I'd have to disagree from 2 standpoints:

It's hard to imagine even the third world countries surviving and growing food when it's -30 degrees C, even if their survival skills where better on average than those in developed countries.

eskimos, north canadians, and people in siberia, (as well as many other places) have been doing this for ages. surely SOME people will survice such an impact event

Basically any society that can generate electricity can grow grops make heat for plants and people and provide protection, that's if civil war didn't break out before then!

how much food generation capacity do we have in place that can be heated by artifical means almost immediatly (say by the next growing cycle)? if such an impact event were to happen tomorrow, we wouldnt have time to build 100 million acres of electrically heated greenhouses. sure technology would allow us to produce SOME food in just about any climate, but it certainly wouldnt be enough to support a large population. I'd venture to guess that it wouldnt even be enough to feed the farmers, electric grid workers, power plant engineers, fuel delivery service people, coal mine workers, and on down the line. I just dont think artificial environments would work in the macro sense. by the time we could ramp up production in such an environment large portions of the population would have died from starvation. now IF you happen to live in a community where there is a large farm, and there happens to be some natural gas wells, and conviniently there are local power generation capibilities, THEN maybe the citizens could work together to make such a possibility feasible, but it would be the exception, as opposed to the norm I'd think...

It would be the quickest ones to adapt to a new climate that would survive, that is where technology comes into it's own!

that I agree with 100% but I feal you are overestimating technologies ability to keep us alive... I'm sure it would allow a small number of people to survive such an event, but certainly not alot of the population..

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