Dear List,

After going through our last batch of completely crusted Amgala chondrite
specimens we came across this achondrite.  I guess it pays to use a magnet
and a microscope to look at each and every specimen.  After a magnet was not
the least bit attracted to this stone we examined it under a microscope and
saw a thin translucent caramel colored crust with contraction cracks.  We
ground a small edge and were shocked by what we saw next.  It looks almost
like NWA 482 but brighter with what appears to be a pure white anorthosite
matrix.  This possible lunar is absolutely gorgeous and fresh!  Now we know
what Robert Haag must of felt like when he ground a corner off of Calcalong
Creek.  It will now be a game of hurry up and wait for lab results.

To see what we are so excited about, check out the links below:

Do not forget we still have a few slices of the Amgala chondrite running on
ebay as over half have been sold with buy-it-now.

All the best,

Adam and Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
Team LunarRock
IMCA 2185

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