Thanks, everyone, for their inputs on the effects of heating tektites.
My reason for posing the question was that a friend told me about a
mineral dealer (in Ventura County, CA, I believe) who was selling
heat-treated tektites in a variety of unusual colors.  I told my
friend that it sounded suspicious to me, but that I wasn't a tektite
expert and would ask "The List".  Consensus here seems to be that
the process of heating up a tektite to white hot and then letting
it cool back down produces no major color alterations.  However,
I need to get back to the friend to find out if these unusual
colors were transparent or opaque.  If the latter, I suppose it's
possible that someone could simply "paint" a tektite (though I
question the motives for doing so).  But I can't think of a process
where you would get, say, a red or blue transparent tektite using
a moldavite as your starting point.


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