Hey Mike,

Considering I wrote this to Dean, I feel impelled to reply to you for your
uneccessary reply.

Mike, these are two completely different situations. Dean posted his
material to the list for SALE, alluding to the fact that it might be Lunar.
We announced to the List that we found a small stone that could be a Lunar
but WERE NOT offering it for sale and that it will be sent to the lab before
offering any.

Go back and READ the posting before you spout off again. This is just
another attempt by you to start some of your typical childish ranting.

Best regards,

Greg Hupe
The Hupe Collection
IMCA 2185

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] H2900 Eucrite

> Adam, you mean like a couple of days ago you alluded that you "might" have
> Lunar meteorite purchased in a batch of Amgala. Now you are slamming Dean
> for alluding that he might have a Lunar meteorite.
> Man, you need to practice what you preach.
> Mike Farmer
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Adam Hupe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 5:09 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] H2900 Eucrite
> > Dear Dean and List Members,
> >
> > Dean, we posted the comparison picture of NWA 1929-Howardite and the new
> > Polymict Eucrite (H2900) because a List member suggested your new
> > was paired to the Howardite. Look back in the thread to see the post. We
> did
> > this so collectors would not think they were buying a Howardite paired
> > NWA 1929 when in fact they were buying a Eucrite.
> >
> > In your original AD posting, you alluded that your new stone may be
> by
> > writing that a nomad said it was lunar. This is not doing collectors
> > justice. This is definitely where it is prudent to get at least an
> > lab analysis.  Speaking of labs, we pay for just about all of the
> > classification work ourselves since the labs and scientists we work with
> do
> > not get grant money.  No tax payers dollars are used in our
> > work. We, of course, submit the proper type samples as required. This is
> how
> > we are able to get classifications done quickly if we choose to
> prioritize.
> >
> > Dean, you did the same thing with Bensour. You advertised to the list
> > you, "...had a new Achondrite for sale that showed up in your latest
> > shipment from Morocco." We informed you privately that it was a new fall
> and
> > that it was not an Achondrite but an "LL" and that you should wait to
> > any as your customers would be upset if they did not get an Achondrite.
> > said that we would have lab results in two days but you took this as an
> > opportunity to go straight to eBay the next day ahead of classification
> and
> > announced a "New Fall". We were helping you to not look incompetent and
> this
> > is how we are repaid.
> >
> > I agree with everything Rob pointed out. He points out that you go
> > everything you claim to be "...a meteorite dealer
> > who you know that you can trust." If you were so trustworthy and were
> > concerned for collectors, you would not write something might be one
> > when, in fact, you knew it was something else. We saw the material you
> > selling from your partner in Morocco.  We were only interested in the
> > mass so we left the ~1 kilo stone behind that you are now selling.  You
> sent
> > an image to Adam asking what it was and he told you it was a Eucrite
> before
> > you began selling it.  To say it might be Lunar is misleading and
> > irresponsible.  Why get collector's hopes up when you knew it was just a
> > Eucrite?  This just shows your lack of respect for collectors, dealer's
> > advice and science alike.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Greg Hupe
> > The Hupe Collection
> > IMCA 2185
> >
> >
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