I do not advertise much on the List and have not suffered so far this kind
of problem that you are describing Michael, but I agree with you as I would
not enjoy at all this to happen to me. Selling does not mean "no respect" or
"at all costs" and a minimum of consideration to other dealers and to
collectors who buy material, is an absolute necessity.
Thanks for this e-mail Michael,

Frederic Beroud
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael L Blood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Meteorite List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Los Angeles 001

> Greetings All,
>         Please hear that this is addressed to a behavior, not
> to the individuals currently engaged in said behavior.
>         Personally, I am stunned whenever ANYONE jumps
> on someone else's ad. I  grudgingly observe this among callous,
> competitive, immature & inconsiderate  "dealers" doing this
> to one another. However, even that seems usually to be done
> by someone specifically at odds at the time with the original
> advertiser.
>         I know of no one at odds with Bob Verish, yet he has been
> unable to have a simple sale without two otherwise kind and
> considerate non-dealers jumping on the tail gate of his wagon,
> offering alternative examples of the material he has advertised.
>         I don't mean this to be directed at the people doing it - I
> mean it to be directed to the behavior.
>         Could everyone on the list have SOME consideration for
> a person offering material? I know it is hard. Many is the time
> I have wanted to jump right in and say, "Hay, everyone, I have
> the same material at 60% (or less) of that cost!" or, "Hay, I have
> one a bit bigger (or smaller), too,"  but I don't. It is a rude thing
> to do to the original advertiser.
>         Let's all have a little more consideration for the other guy.
> At least wait until his/her sale is concluded before offering up
> our own stuff.
>         Best wishes, Michael
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