Norman wrote;
"It's a little screw-top cylinder with a plastic dome
showing a microchip and its associated circuitry.
Inside are two hearing-aid batteries.  There are no
external contacts.  Not visible on the attached photo
is a faint inscription on the circuit board reading
SH002A.  Here's a link to the picture:"

Looks like a radio transmitter. Us falconers use them about that size and
smaller for tracking lost falcons.

Thanks, Tom
peregrineflier <><
IMCA 6168
----- Original Message -----
From: "Norman Lehrman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Buried Treasure - OT with Links that work

> Greg,
> Thanks for the great story!  ---and for opening the
> thread.  Coincidentally, I also just returned (this
> morning) from a bit of treasure hunting in Hawaii and
> found a mystery object that I wanted to ask the
> diverse experts on the list about--
> My stuff was all modern, but did include a gold ring,
> a diamond earring, a sapphire navel stud, a gold
> earring, a woman's wrist watch, and a bunch of coins.
> But the weirdity was some sort of tracking or bugging
> device.
> It's a little screw-top cylinder with a plastic dome
> showing a microchip and its associated circuitry.
> Inside are two hearing-aid batteries.  There are no
> external contacts.  Not visible on the attached photo
> is a faint inscription on the circuit board reading
> SH002A.  Here's a link to the picture:
> (you'll have to copy this and past it into your
> address line)
> Anybody have any ideas???  I'm thinking it would serve
> as a great starting place for a novel (for all I know
> it's still broadcasting right now and secret agents
> are converging on this location----)
> Cheers,
> Norm Lehrman
> P.S., the metal detector is really for the meteorite
> search in Nevada, but so far I've found nothing but
> gold nuggets.  Oh well, maybe someday----
> --- Greg Hupe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear list members,
> >
> >
> >
> > I found buried treasure!
> >
> >
> >
> > I know that many of you enjoy treasure hunting as
> > much as I do. In fact,
> > meteorite hunting is one of many forms of treasure
> > hunting so I thought I
> > would share one of my latest adventures with you.
> >
> >
> >
> > After 23 years of serious thought and planning of
> > treasure hunting the
> > Florida coast, I finally found some. While in high
> > school, I had dreams of
> > traveling to the Florida "Treasure Coast" in search
> > of lost riches from the
> > ill-fated Spanish 1715 Plate Fleet. It is called the
> > "Plate" fleet due to
> > the abundance of silver (Plata in Spanish, hence the
> > name, 'Plate'). The
> > fleet of 12 Spanish galleons sank off of the east
> > coast near Vero Beach and
> > Ft. Pierce, Florida after a violent hurricane over
> > took the unsuspecting
> > mariners.
> >
> >
> >
> > After high school I had planned to fly to the
> > Florida east coast after a
> > hurricane in search of gold and silver, which washes
> > up onto the beach after
> > serious storms and hurricanes. Much is buried under
> > several feet of sand,
> > which is stripped away after such acts of Mother
> > Nature. I suppose it is her
> > way of giving some back after taking it nearly 300
> > years ago. I would plan
> > to use a metal detector for the task.
> >
> >
> >
> > I had waited over 20 years without any hurricanes
> > hitting the area directly.
> > Who would have thought that after moving to Florida
> > a few months before that
> > a succession of hurricanes would devastate Florida,
> > two of which hit Vero
> > Beach and the surrounding areas dead on within weeks
> > of each other! I now
> > had two occasions to drive the 2-hours it would take
> > to get to one of the
> > richest galleon wrecks sites known.
> >
> >
> >
> > During the wait for a hurricane to hit the area, I
> > did extensive research on
> > the Internet about where the wreck sites where. I
> > settled with directions
> > and coordinates from a web site that looked good.
> >
> >
> >
> > The first trip was a few days after Hurricane
> > Frances tore through the area.
> > I went three times during a 2-week period and found
> > many modern U.S. coins
> > and a few artifacts from the site, mostly bronze
> > rivets and possibly one
> > very weathered Silver Half Real. I will have to take
> > that one to the local
> > museum to verify.
> >
> >
> >
> > Click here to see damage created by Hurricane
> > Frances
> >
> >
> >
> > That's me on the right holding metal detector
> >
> >
> >
> > Click here for picture of artifacts
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > The second hurricane, Jeanne, would do even more
> > damage and expose more of
> > the older layers of beach. I made two trips to the
> > coast and didn't find
> > anything, not even a penny, during six hours of
> > searching the first day. The
> > night before my second outing, I decided to compare
> > coordinates and
> > landmarks from the web site and from a book written
> > by one of the original
> > finders of these wrecks. I discovered that the web
> > site missed a large
> > southern area of one of the wrecks closest to the
> > beach. I decided I would
> > try the area from the web site first and then go to
> > the southern area
> > overlooked by his notes.
> >
> >
> >
> > Click here to see up to 8-feet of sand erosion by
> > hurricanes
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > After my research for the night was over, I decided
> > to watch the movie,
> > "Pirates of the Caribbean" for good luck, or as the
> > saying goes, "Good Luck
> > equals Preparation plus Opportunity". I would find
> > out the next day just how
> > true that is.
> >
> >
> >
> > The next morning, after 2-hours of detecting the
> > well-searched area of the
> > web site location, I went to the southern area I
> > wanted to investigate.
> > After approximately 30 minutes, I found my first
> > Spanish Silver Real in
> > excellent condition. I couldn't believe it, here in
> > my hand was a 300-year
> > old piece of Spanish treasure! I was elated and
> > looked around me to see if
> > there was anyone who saw my body motions or heard my
> > voice exclaiming in
> > delight. No one was around so I felt confident
> > nobody realized I had found a
> > good spot.
> >
> >
> >
> > Click here for a picture of the Silver Real at the
> > beach
> >
> >
> >
> > Notice damaged dock in background
> >
> >
> >
> > Click here for a picture of the Silver Real
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I jotted down notes and made a detailed map for
> > future searching. I
> > continued in a grid pattern to search the site very
> > carefully and was
> > rewarded with a small caliber musket ball from an
> > old pistol. This, too, was
> > from the 1715 fleet. Another few minutes and I found
> > my second coin, which
> > was not in as good of condition.
> >
> >
> >
> > Click here for image of mushet ball
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Click here for picture of encrusted coin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > I continued my search, when after another hour, my
> > metal detector blared out
> > the alert of another find. This time I found a gold
> > ring in very good
> > condition. It was still in its perfect circle-shape
> > but the outside was
> > dulled from the many years of abuse from sand
> > abrasion. The inside had some
> > coral growth but revealed brilliant gold along the
> > areas of encrustation.
> >
> === message truncated ===
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