I doubt many Dirk Ross write this....

From: "S. Ray DeRusse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] BCC "Meteorites" [was Milestones] PLEASE READ
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 06:20:16 -0600

Greetings List;

I would like respond to Mr. Notkin. Mr. Notkin you prove that if you wnat to get your facts straight you have to go to the source. Yes we did file a lawsuit sometime back against numerous individuals when we discovered they interfering with some others we were working with on the meteorite project. Its a well known fact that certain individuals have been operating against us.
You obviously were lied to by your friend we sued. WE filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit after two of the defendants agreed to complete their contracts with us. WE did it, no Judge dismissed anything. We filed a motion to dismiss without prejudice that means we can go back at anytime. Do you understand that? We instructed the Assistant Attorney General to draft it up, we signed it and filed it once two of the defendants came forward to spill the beans. We that means us Mr. Notkin.
Now as far the samples, and being told nicely about anything. First of all if the samples were not authentic why would UT try to steal the ones that were in left in the lab with them? It was not until we blew the whistle on them that this controversy began to get out of hand. If you think that all scientists are honest and do not lie, cheat, and steal, having same, similar or different motives, Mr. Notkin I have news for you, you too are in living world that does not exist. I would hope that you know the difference between a typographical error and an actual misspelling, but for some people, thinking on their own is a lot of work. Good luck Mr. Notkin and I really mean that.

Here's an entirely differenct viewpoint from Dirk Ross

Dear Mr. DeRusse,
  I have been doing research since 1980.  But, my last
research was last year at Yamaguchi University in
  I have read most of your writings on the internet.
You certainly are an educated person.  I can
understand your wish for students and scientists to
think "outside" of the box.  I agree with you on this
point.  I always ask and demand my students to think
independently so that science can advance what is
  I apologize for my initial judgement about you
before knowing more about the whole story. Keep up
your search for fact.  About truth, I leave that for
God.   Sincerely, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
Do you Yahoo!?
The all-new My Yahoo! - Get yours free!

S. Ray DeRusse and Bill Cutler www.bccmeteorites.com

Notkin wrote:
<x-rich><fixed>Jonathan posted:

I'm back on the list. What is BCC meteorites about? I have heard a lot about it and read their site but I still don't understand. Odd.

Dear Jonathan and Fellow Listees:

Jonathan, yes you are absolutely right. It is very "odd" and nobody else understands their site either because their site is nonsense.

I would like all my fellow List members to be made aware of something important: These BCC "Meteorites" characters filed an actual lawsuit against a number of prominent, respected and very well-liked senior meteoriticists here in the U.S (one of whom is a personal friend of mine). The suit was -- of course -- thrown out by the judge for being utterly frivolous. It's just too bad these clowns weren't heavily fined for wasting court time.

BCC "Meteorites" seems to believe that there's some kind of high-level conspiracy/cover-up going on between NASA and major meteoritical institutions -- all because BCC "Meteorites" have been told (nicely and repeatedly) that the junk items they dig out of their bog, or whatever, in Texas are not actually fossilized alien brains, UFO warp core spare parts, Lunar meteorites, Dick Tracy wrist watch radios, etc., but just plain old dull terrestrial rocks. I think we all enjoy a good eccentric, and the whole thing would have been somewhat amusing in a "Benny Hill" sort of way if these guys hadn't been really nasty to some really nice people during their imaginary scientific journey.

We have our squabbles on the List from time to time, but we are all united in our interest in the SCIENCE of meteoritics. The technobabble/gobbledygook pseudo-science offered up on the BCC "Meteorites" website -- and written, I might add, in appalling elementary school English so laden with spelling errors and grammatical mistakes that you couldn't follow their argument even if it *were* sound -- should not be allowed promotion here on the Meteorite List. Novice collectors, still learning about meteorites, might be hoodwinked into believing some of the fatuous claims that are made on the BCC website.

So, I strongly suggest that we -- as a community -- block the email addresses of these guys DeRusse and Cutler immediately and permanently. They just want attention, and the best way to eradicate this kind of fake science rubbish is to ignore the perpetrators entirely. They'll likely get bored and wander off to some UFO conspiracy theory/Creationist mailing list of which -- unfortunately -- there are probably several. A request from a few of you to List Moderator Art Jones ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) to have them removed from the List wouldn't hurt either.

Oh, and BTW, if you look at the first photo on their website, the guy with the white gloves looks like "Dr. No." : )

Not at all respectfully,

Geoff Notkin

Science writer interested in actual science and real meteorites</fixed></x-rich>

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