Dear Jerry;
Now what does Pink Floyd have to say about your pending claim to the dark side of the moon?
Dave F.

Jerry A. Wallace wrote:


Interesting story.

I noticed this at the bottom of the story:

For more than 20 years, Budnick tried to file and peddle mining claims in such diverse places as George's Bank, the asteroid belt, Mars and the moons of Jupiter. After trying several states without success, he finally persuaded Texas authorities to accept his astral mineral rights claims in 1984.

Texas is a bit unique and far more liberal than most other states about
filing and eventually granting and /or recognizing land claims. Just because
the claim is not on our particular planet is somewhat irrelevant to our state
government boneheads.

Please Note: My own claim for "the dark side of the moon" is still pending
but I expect it to be approved soon.



Notkin wrote:

Dear Listees:

Check out this story from the Associated Press.

Be sure to read half-way down the article, where it says, "Budnick, who claimed he had accidentally given Gauthier a bottle of acid he kept in his garage for cleaning his collection of meteorites . . ."

And the story is from Springfield, Mass. too. To think, we might have seen this character at the Springfield show?

Mining claims on Mars, indeed? Sounds like our kind of guy.

Geoff N.

p.s. And this is nothing to do with my April Fool's "article" about the ants, which a number of List members thought was for real. I'm a little worried about some of you guys : )

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