Hi list,

I read again the posts and links about that sensational discovery of young
chondrules and the subsequent revolution for the theory of the formation of
the solar system,
but I have the problem, that nowhere the ages are given - did I miss them?

Bernhard sent me the abstract of the article in Nature, there I find the
ages in billions of years:

CAIs:          4,567.2 +/- 0.7 Myr
Gujba:         4,562.7 +/- 0.5 Myr
HaH 237:    4,562.8 +- 0.9 Myr

Further it says, that the process of chondrule formation lasted "about" 3
Myr and "shortly" started "after that of" the CAIs.
If you then additionally add the given error margins of their values,
then the stuff was built at the same time, as other chondrules too!

That would be not remarkable or did I miss some figures?

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