<Is this the same smuggler that was in the news shortly after the Tuscan 

     No, this article was about a different person, Tom Kapitany from 
Australia.   Tom also sells a few meteorites, but meteorites are significantly 
less than 1% of his business.   I asked him about export permits for meteorites 
once and he said he always got the permits.   Meteorites too insignificant to 
risk his whole business over.   When I went to Australia in Aug 2004 and 
searched the mundrabilla strewn field I mailed him what I found and he added 
them to one of his permits and exported them for me.   

     I know nothing about his mineral and fossil business, but I'd say the 
government got what it wanted, publicity.   If he was truly guilty of the 
serious crime of smuggling fossils, charging him with a misdemeanor and fining 
him $27k (inconvenient, but small compared to his business) seems like a minor 
slap on the hand.   

Eric Olson
ELKK Meteorites
Meteorite-list mailing list

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