> The earth is warmer now than it has been for many
> million of years, and
> the rate of warming is accelerating. - will it be a
> problem?, who knows.
> Can we do anything about it? Probably not

I agree with your sentiments Mark. It may well be that
we are already beyond the point where things can be
repaired without serious consequence. However, despite
the increase in solar output of 25% since the solar
system formed, the Earth's climate hasa been
remarkably stable for the whole period. Maybe the
Gaians have a point.

The C14 data in tree rings suggest that the earth's
temperature was at least 0,5degC warmer than it is,
even today merely 2000 years ago. Although there were
no records at the time to prove it, the fact of the
matter is that the Romans were growing Vinyards in
North England around 70AD while it is too cool to do
it today. Why? Who knows but C14 data suggests solar
output is the cause.

It is true that there seems to be an acceleration in
temperature rise during the industrial period but it
is small and temperatures have risen and fallen by
much greater amounts in far shorter periods in the
last 500 years and these were solar output caused.

Can you imagine what would be happening today if the
Maunder Minimum period started today rather than
several hundred years ago? As the world temperature
drops by 2.5 degrees in a couple of decades, the
politicians would be paniking about entering a new Ice
Age and urging us to burn everything to increase CO2

It frustrates me that scientists make bold predictions
when they haven't really got a clue. We carry on
because it won't happen in our lifetime.

And God looks down on His creation in despair. Who can
He pray to?

--- mark ford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Rob,
> Well, 'Worse' meaning, the entire world's landmass
> that is currently at
> 5 meters or below, above sea level, most probably
> won't be .... I'd say
> that would be a start.... :) 
> Of course you might argue it won't effect 'us', but
> then why do we
> bother having kids?
> They key at the moment is 'they' just have no idea
> what will happen and
> when, the theories seem to range from 'global
> cooling' to 'complete
> catastrophe' unless they can model it in enough
> detail, there are just
> too many factors to get answers.
> The earth is warmer now than it has been for many
> million of years, and
> the rate of warming is accelerating. - will it be a
> problem?, who knows.
> Can we do anything about it? Probably not, but
> unless we have some idea
> about what is going on we will never know if there
> is something we
> should be doing. Countires need to start thinking
> about planning for sea
> level rise and especially air stream changes, since
> it often takes many
> decades to change country wide infrastructure,  -
> for example people
> still seem intent on building on flood plains.
> Whilst I don't attribute it to global warming, Here
> in Southern Britain
> we are currently facing the worst drought for 80
> years, rainfall is way
> way below average, and we have a hosepipe ban in
> place (and yes it is
> still winter!), I can imagine what could happen if
> global warming really
> did happen...
> Best,
> Mark 
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 11:55 PM
> To: mark ford; meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] New Theory: Global
> Warming Caused
> byTunguskaEvent / climate change
> Mark suggested:
> > On the same note, I invite as many people as
> possible to install this
> > screen saver application:  http://bbc.cpdn.org/ 
> it has been produced
> > by the BBC and is using distributed computing (i.e
> our own domestic
> > computers) to accurately model the earths climate
> hopefully they will
> > get a better insight into what really is going to
> happen when the
> > climate gets worse.
> I was in agreement with you up until those last five
> words...
> "Worse" than what?  Or more specifically, worse by
> what metric and
> what timescale?  For example, I would consider an
> ice age worse than
> the present (as far as the earth's current life
> forms are concerned),
> but I don't think anyone is too concerned about it
> happening in the
> next century.  --Rob
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