I just received my own lovely little slice of Itqiy from Pierre-Marie Pele (thank you so much; it got here safely!) and am once again struck by the crystalline structure. Are there any other meteorites that have this type of structure; it almost looks like polished terrestrial black granite, but much finer. I'm assuming that they would almost certainly have to be primitive achondrites, but the pictures I've been able to find of Zaklodzie don't look much like Itqiy.

Hi Tracy
Zaklodzie is different becouse its much older than Itqiy. But they are from the same group and have some similarities ofcourse.
We not look like monkeys :) but have 98% the same DNA.

-----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-----
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--------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------

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