
1 light year = 9.46 X 10^15 meters or 9.46 x 10^12 km. So, in 50 years:

4.7 x 10^14 km (470 trillion kilimeters). That is within range of a lot of

There are a 100 stars within 7.63 parsecs (almost 25 light years), so if
you double the distance, there are about 800 stars (star systems) that
have "heard" from Sputnik!


On Thu, October 4, 2007 4:15 am, drtanuki wrote:
> Hi List,
> Sputnik is now 50!  Time flys.  What does this have
> to do with meteorites?...much more than you might first think!...it totally
> changed our history and this One Step for Mankind will continue to lead to
> our future (survival/destruction) as well.
> Congrats to the dedicated
> Russians/Germans/Amerikans/Humans that worked dearly,
> for this feat regardless of the negatives it ushered in with all of the
> positives.  Their personal sacrifice should be remembered.
> Anyone want to tune in their radio?
> bleep..............................bleep...
> BTW how far into space has Sputnik`s message now
> traveled after 50years???  Sterling...anyone???
> Best Regards, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
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