
    A kind of footnote to my previous Post:
the elevations of the "round feature" are highly
inconsistent. Much of the "rim" is hundreds of
feet lower than the highest spot inside the "rim,"
and almost none of the rim is higher than the

    The "rim" is higher than the surrounding general
terrain in most places. The rim has a "braided" topography,
another un-crater-like feature and it seems that the
feature is elevated as a whole above the surrounding
terrain, not a likely thing for a crater to be.

    The center of the "crater" has both high and
low areas close to each other. The elevations are
complex and hard to interpret. The closer I zoom
in, the less like a relict crater it looks to me.

Sterling K. Webb
----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Stefan Brandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 4:01 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Mysterious Circular Structure Near Chemult, 

Looks like something fun to check out either way.  I've been meaning to
get over and explore that general area.  Of course it would have to be
pretty obvious for me to notice anything :-)

By the way, I have heard a theory that there was a large strike at some
point in central Oregon causing a "hot spot" in the mantle (?) which has
since migrated through the Snake River plain in southern Idaho and now
lies beneath Yellowstone National Park resulting in all of the geothermal
activity in that area.

Thanks for sharing!


> Interesting formation :
> http://epod.usra.edu/archive/epodviewer.php3?oid=382976
> any ideas?
> Stefan
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