steve wrote,,,,
Everyone is out to get it right away,than as 
time goes on it goes lower and so forth.But this fall 
is starting very low.A $1.25 per gram,$2,$2.50,$3 per 
gram and so on.There must be alot of this fall.But the

question is: WHY IS IT STARTING SO LOW?Nothing has not

even been determined yet what it is.Again any thoughts

well steve ,
if the price of te new fall continue in this trend
than the limit of f(X),
goes in negatifs side, than in few days  the new mali
falls will cost (-2.5$°) than - 3$ than -5$. anssi de
suite, etc....
so steve you should wait and in a week  not more ,
morrocan dealer will give you the stone for menos ( -
600$ )you was going to spend. than you have  the new
fall and some money .
 every body should wait.
but it's not my cases.
i take you for your words someone offered you the new
fall for 1.25$ or 1.5$ or more i want to buy;
so here you have a chance steve to make some money.
please i want 20 kilos for 1.25 or 1.5$.
can you  supllie me now, show me photo, where are this
stones ;......
so i m going to buy, go ahead and show us the photo of
this meteorite.and what was offered to you for this
im waiting

habibi aziz 
box 70 erfoud 52200 morroco 
phone. 21235576145 

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