I pass through this guys town atleast once a week. I have contacted him via 
ebay asking if I could stop by and check out his meteorites and I never get a 
I ran this ebay auction in an effort to make the prospective market aware of 
his scams and based on some of the feedback with people showing apprecation for 
the auction it did help somewhat.


The auction only cost $1.00 to run 10days. Just one auction, but if 30 of us 
put an auction like this on ebay it could make a bigger impact. And maybe this 
guy will eventually give up.

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: steve arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Good morning list.This 190 gram non-lunar is from
> STARCHASERMETEORITES.He lives about 40 miles south of
> me.He is a fake,fraud and knows nothing of
> meteorites.Trust me if meteorites were found as easily
> as he finds them,I would have found a ton by now.Just
> avoid this person.Canyon diablos for $30K?For that
> kind of money you could probably get a 100 kilo
> piece.I have emailed him about his rocks but just says
> they are all real.Any way with all this scientific
> lingo at his disposal,he could make a meteorite newby
> fall for the meteorwrongs.And as true dealers and
> collecters we should not allow this.
>                 Good day to all, steve arnold,chicago
> Steve R.Arnold,chicago,Ill,Usa!!
>        The Asteroid Belt!
>       Chicagometeorites.net
>       Collecting Meteorites since 06/19/1999
>       Ebay I.D. Illinoismeteorites
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