I think, the same as last years, meeting point is near Erich Heiderer table or/and Chladnis Cheirs stand. Anyone interested in Brenham coins (+extra free stand) or thin sections made from my stuff please contact me or find me on the show. I will have around 30 new TS for sale or view.

I will also bring samples of my iron rich eucrite/howardite and also stunning full slice of MC 044 "Mother Rock of all type 3" :-)

Ofcourse we will meet at the friday party like before.
So everyone , good, fast and secure trip to Munich.

-----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-----
http://www.Meteoryty.pl             marcin(at)meteoryty.pl
http://www.PolandMET.com       marcin(at)meteorite.pl
http://www.Gao-Guenie.com      GSM +48(607)535 195
--------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------

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