On Mon, 19 Nov 2007 00:42:21 -0800, you wrote:

>Is appropriate to the meteorite list. HOWEVER, for those
>That insist, PLEASE at least post it as Homo heidelbergensis
>NOT "Homo Heidelbergensis" with a capitalized H in the
>Second term. ALL species are binomial with the first name
>Being the same as the genus to which the species belongs, and
>Capitalized with the second term NOT capitalized.

Also, since the species name is supposed to be written in itallics, when you are
writing in a plain text format, you are supposed to underline it, so
_Homo_heidelbergensis_ is even more correct for ASCII.  It is what I've used in
the past when I haven't been being lazy about it.  Glass house, dude.  :-)

(I googled to make sure that is still the convention:)


"Species names are usually typeset in italics; for example, Homo sapiens.
Generally the binomial should be printed in a type-face (font) different from
that used in the normal text; for example, "Several more Homo sapiens were
discovered" . When handwritten, they may be underlined; for example, Homo
sapiens. "

>Particularly poor grammar, these errors in basic taxonomic
>Terminology grate on the nerves terribly.
>        Best wishes, Michael

Now you know how coin collectors feel about meteorite "coins".  :-)
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