Darren wrote:
"...when you are writing in a plain text format, you are supposed to underline it, so..."

*Crikey!* Michael & Darren,

As a certain kind list member always reminds me, never be rattled when such a simple keyboard option for OT'S is available. My delete finger was ready, willing, and able, but not the fearful ___UNDERLINE___ ...Noooooo.......... that will do it !!!

Your center underline, with text breaks, using trinomial nomenclature, makes things hairier than necessary,
not a good idea when discussing the Greek spider-mite, please use
_Bryobia meteoritica _ for BRYOBIA METEORITICA
instead of  _Bryobia_meteoritica _

Alternately, any cutworms victimized on the met-list by the wasp,
may use all capital letters instead of _Meteorus communis_

All-caps work as good as _underlines_, plus you be binomenclaturally challenged and still possibly rattle other Hymenopterans,
like the Confused Gender-eyed Afro-tropical Wasp,
BLOODIELLA GYNANDROPHTHALMAE (_Bloodiella gynandrophthalmae_)

or that pain-in-the-butt spider, the Florida Cobweb Weaver,
TIDARREN HAEMORRHOIDALE (_Tidarren haemorrhoidale _)

Best wishes!!!
Nothing Below the Asteroid belt, please!!!
Delete! Delete! Delete!

Probably the best way to deal with this is just put it all in caps. Then you could be both ignorant about the rules, but still right. Another possibility is to invert the capitilazation like"

----- Original Message ----- From: "Darren Garrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael L Blood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Heidelbergensis-Zhamanshin dates

On Mon, 19 Nov 2007 00:42:21 -0800, you wrote:

Is appropriate to the meteorite list. HOWEVER, for those
That insist, PLEASE at least post it as Homo heidelbergensis
NOT "Homo Heidelbergensis" with a capitalized H in the
Second term. ALL species are binomial with the first name
Being the same as the genus to which the species belongs, and
Capitalized with the second term NOT capitalized.

Also, since the species name is supposed to be written in itallics, when you are
writing in a plain text format, you are supposed to underline it, so
_Homo_heidelbergensis_ is even more correct for ASCII. It is what I've used in
the past when I haven't been being lazy about it.  Glass house, dude.  :-)

(I googled to make sure that is still the convention:)


"Species names are usually typeset in italics; for example, Homo sapiens.
Generally the binomial should be printed in a type-face (font) different from
that used in the normal text; for example, "Several more Homo sapiens were
discovered" . When handwritten, they may be underlined; for example, Homo
sapiens. "

Particularly poor grammar, these errors in basic taxonomic
Terminology grate on the nerves terribly.
       Best wishes, Michael

Now you know how coin collectors feel about meteorite "coins".  :-)
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