Mike and List,

I conceded the point long ago that the term crater
also applies to the Carancas event.  I also stated
that there are different types of craters and this one
falls into the impact pit category as was the case
with the Sikhote Alin event.  Some of the craters
(impact pits) left by Sikhote Alin were also explosive
embedding pieces of the meteorite in trees and yet
Ninninger, along with dozens of scientists referred to
them as impact pits.  I admit the definition is
somewhat hazy is why I qualified the term with "To

My only problem with the Carancas thing is that was
over-hyped from the beginning with much misinformation
surrounding it. Then, no respect was given to the
occurrence and a circus soon followed. People will
treat you the way you allow them, the same applies to
the Carancas event.  Trash was thrown into the impact
pit, people relieved themselves into it and greed soon
became a problem.  I think if the event was handled in
a more professional matter, I would not have a problem
with it. The way it stands, I have zero respect for
the way it was handled.

The last from me on this,


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