Hi List readers,
        Meteorite dealers have plenty to keep them busy. However,
I thought you might also enjoy hearing the occasionally hysterical
Requests we receive.
        The list member who comes up with the funniest, most creative
Response will be the winner. (see bottom of post).
         (Please note that almost daily people call with the
Meteorite their grandfather "saw land" in 1943 and they do NOT want
Us to screw them on price - they KNOW it is worth hundreds if not
Thousands of dollars PER GRAM)
        Then there are the guys who show up unannounced with a hunk of
Metal slag in the back of their pick up and imply they are going to commit
Physical violence when you tell them it is not a meteorite and they are
Convinced you are trying to rip them off and you tell them over and over
You are not interested AT ANY PRICE, but they still act as though this
Is a despicable "bargaining" approach with which you are abusing them -
until you finally have to tell them to get it the hell out of here and you
will call the police if they litter your property with it..... Then they
finally leave thinking YOU are crazy and don't know a thing about
        No, not these average, run of the mill solicitors - occasionally you
get a fun one like the one below.
         Anyone got a spare $150K for one of these "recent type" meteorites
just now arriving from the farthest reaches of the universe? After all, it
is actually an Alien space craft made of materials unknown to man. AND,
I was actually provided an extremely blurry photo of a black blob (name
Withheld to protect the ignorant) (no, I don't make these things up):
Yes, Michael I am interested in selling a rather unique and large meteorite
I found in Arizona late 1998. It is one of three which were reported to have
fallen over Arizona sometime in Feb. of 98. Two young boys found one the
next day, after the report came out in the newspaper. Someone was offering
$150,000.00 to anyone finding one. They sold the one found to that person. I
do not know who that was. They are said to be the most recent type, coming
from the furthest part of the universe and just now reaching earth. It
probably weights in at approx. 4 lbs. I believe this one to be worth much
more than what was offered. This one did not burst open on impact, landing
in a very soft wash embankment. I also believe it to be exactly the same
kind as what the air force described to be an alien space craft which
crashed in roswell, New mexico in 1967, I believe. The description given in
the Readers Digest was a description exactly as that of the one I have
found. Thye claimed it to be a black glass-like material containing a silver
metal-like substance which has no elemental description known to exist on
earth. What do think of that. They also reported finding aliens Hanger 51 or
13 or something like that. I feel we were lied to because of my find. I am
interested in selling it but have no contacts as of yet and would appreciate
any help you may be able to offer. I am going to try and send a photo along
with this letter. (name and contact info)
        Now, the fun contest:
        I am incline to suggest he take it to the next Star Trek Convention
as by far the best place to sell it. However, I am open to other creative
suggestions from the list - perhaps we should warn him to keep it secret
Lest Home Security take it into custody and he would loose his precious?
        Come on guys, I feel "duty bound" to respond to all requests within
24 hrs, so, the person with the most creative suggestion will win.....
The prestigious MICHAEL BLOOD - YOU GET NOTHING Award!
        I retain all rights to choose the winner in any way I see fit.
Bribes will be accepted, people can post clever responses ON list (I can
Just hear the dogs barking already!) or off list if they are shy.
        Judging will be based on how much the recommendation is:
1) funny (66.6%)
2) original (33.3%)
        You can enter as many responses as you like!
        Don't hold back. Come up with something here folks - we shouldn't
Dump this off on the next Star Trek Convention.... Or should we? (Maybe
I should be the winner? - prove me WRONG!)
        Best wishes, Michael

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