On Tue, 20 May 2008 16:27:16 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>Hi Darren and the List, 
>I would suggest that he should be cautioned to wear a 3 layer thick foil 
>helmet with a zirconium tube no more than 7mm diameter at the highest point of 
>his head to allow his own thought process and not be overly influenced by the 
>energy aura around the meteorite. You could further explain that it is 
>especially important for any dogs in the household to wear a similar helmet 
>without the zirconium tube as dog's cognitive abilities are affected 7 times 
>worse than people. Also don't get that sucker near any undeveloped film, or 
>too close to ones private bits if you want to have any more human children. 

Ah, but--
I was aiming for something that, while obviously stupid to sane, well educated
people, it might actually make sense as reasonable to the target.  You don't
want to go over the top-- you hope that he actually DOES what you tell him.
(Okay, _I_ hope that he actually does what you tell him).
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