Thanks for the good answers, Martin. Being the quantitative type, I would mention:

Of the desert regions of the world, a rough indicator where stones can be found more readily for the reasons already mentioned,

Approximately 60% of the world's deserts are polar-tundra/ice types

Of the remaining 40% of warmer accessible places, roughly half is the Sahara. (And in the Sahara, other stones are relatively rare in many areas, too, and it is basically searchable year-round.)

And of the non-polar deserts (including the Gobi, etc. etc.), the Sahara represents (expletive) around 75% of the arid classification, where among other things, vegetation is very sparse, roughly based on classifications by Peveril Meigs.

Considering these numbers, if a meteorite falls in the Sahara - the same size as the USA including Alaska, and there is enough incentivization, they can be found more easily.

In the last 2 months:
Tok, Alaska is 2200 km from Buzzard Coulee, Sask., which in turn is 1600 km from Penrose, Colorado.

In the last 2 and a quarter Years:
Atlas Mountain Event is 900 km from Chergach which in turn is 900 km from Bassikounou.

Just some numbers for me to meditate to sleep on tonight... :-)

Best wishes,

-----Original Message-----
From: RJP <>
Sent: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 7:31 pm
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Northwest Africa Falls - Question

Ok Folks,

I am curious to know why there are so many witnessed (recovered) meteorite falls in Northwest Africa as opposed to anywhere else in the world. Is there a good logical and/or scientifc explanation for this?.. or just a coincidence? I understand that some "falls" simply turn out to be a case of Nomadic lies in an attempt to liquidate (recycle) old material, but what about the others? Perhpas
it has something to do with it's geographical location in relation to..?
And yes, I do understand these people spend countless hours outdoors, in the
desert, ect. but..

What are your thoughts?

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