Hi Ryan - 

While among collectors falls fetch a premium, as they have a certain brand
name, I don't know if this will turn out to be true in the long run,
except for the most famous falls.

As to why falls should be seen in NWA, the innocent explanation would be 
clear skies, lack of ground lights, bland landscape. Of course, with the 
environment for preservation being so good, it is quite possible that someone 
could honestly mistake an ancient fall for a modern witnessed fall.

While I know that to dealers this can mean the difference between profit and 
loss, it seems to me that the rarer types, aesthetic types, and 
educational types of meteorites are going to be fetch the best long term 

Coming from me, I know this may sound strange to some, but I would appreciate 
it if those involved in these questions would keep a civil tone 
in their discussions of them.

good hunting,
E.P. Grondine
Man and Impact in the Americas

Ryan wrote: 
Ok Folks,

I am curious to know why there are so many witnessed (recovered) meteorite 
falls in Northwest Africa as opposed to anywhere else in the world. Is there a 
good logical and/or scientifc explanation for this?.. or just a coincidence? I 
understand that some "falls" simply turn out to be a case of Nomadic lies in an 
attempt to liquidate (recycle) old material, but what about the others? Perhpas 
it has something to do with it's geographical location in relation to..?
And yes, I do understand these people spend countless hours outdoors, in the 
desert, ect. but..

What are your thoughts?


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