Good points Steve.  A little experience in the media production arena
sheds new light of reason on the debate.  :)

I just don't understand how any "expert" could be fooled by that
object in the first place.  It does have a passing resemblance to the
so-called "shattered crystals" of Campo sold on the market, but such
pieces don't fall from the sky that way - they are created by man
using a process.  If that object had been posted on eBay for sale, it
would have raised red flags to every person who looks at it - degreed
or not.  If I was that show's "expert" who proclaimed it to be
meteoritic, I'd want to forget the entire episode too. ;)

Good luck with the debut Sunday. :)


On 5/8/09, <> wrote:
> It really is a tough situation.  Sounds  like the producer didn't do their
> job ahead of time.
> But in their shoes,  what should they do they do?  They brought the
> scientist in to talk about  the science, and probably brought Darryl in to
> talk
> about how much it might be  worth on the collector market.  As Darryl is
> promoted to be an expert in  aesthetic irons, this thing the local expert
> told
> them was an iron meteorite,  and with Darryl being from the big city, I bet
> they thought it would round off  their show nicely...that is until he threw
> the
> monkey wrench into their (not so)  well laid plans.
> We would all agree the BEST solution would be that ALL  people with nice
> degrees would have their facts straight and know what they are  talking
> about
> when asked.
> I am sure, especially on the  radio, they have to deal with dozens of crack
> pots every day, from people  playing pranks by impersonating other people,
> to people that don't know what  they are talking about, to people that
> really are crazy.
> In a  second or two they have to decide, do we embarrass our local hometown
> expert  that is putting his reputation on the line by giving the
> non-degreed out of town  commercial meteorite dealer more air time, or
> separate the
> two?  Then, if  cutting off one of the two, the decision needs to be made
> which one gets hung up  on?
> A good producer will know every answer you will give to every  question
> that will be posed ahead of time, because that producer will have asked  the
> guests those questions ahead of time off the air.  Much easier on TV  than
> on
> the radio, but still, that is how it is supposed to be done.  In  any case,
> Darryl's answer didn't fit with what they thought it should be and I  am
> sure they went into panic mode.
> If they had asked Darryl about this  before the show went live, they would
> have known his stance, and could have  avoided the question with the answer
> they didn't like, or they could have  uninvited Darryl before the interview
> started to avoid the conflict.
> Obviously, TV shows have bigger budgets to pay people to do a better job
> of such screening, and mess ups on TV are a bit more embarrassing than on
> the
>  radio, so "flushing" a interviewee, especially if it is a call in, is far
> easier  than investing too much into the pre-show planning.
> Besides, lots of  these radio talk shows are doing what they do for humor,
> and they just roll from  one topic to the next trying to keep the drivers
> awake on the conveyor belt  commute into work in the morning.
> It would be safe to say probably  the only two people that even remember
> anything about the interview would be  Darryl and the other "expert and
> degreed" guest, and I am sure the later would  like to forget about it, as I
> am
> sure he is quite embarrassed about getting the  diagnosis wrong.  The person
> doing the interview probably doesn't even  remember it.  And sadly, probably
> no one listening on the radio driving to  work that morning even remembers
> it.
> Radios are in business to sell ads  and make money.  They need to keep
> listeners to stay tuned between  commercials.  For them, it is all filler.
> Who
> cares if it is  factually correct or not.
> Steve Arnold
> In a  message dated 5/8/2009 10:27:16 A.M. Central Daylight Time,
>  writes:
>>>Amateur scientists and aspiring  scientists of all  stripes have always
> faced this bias from "authority".   At least  Fox didn't give Darryl the
> "Galileo Treatment". ;)<<
> It   was unfortunate that Darryl had this happen to him, but on the other
> side of  the  coin, where it applies to matters of science, I'd rather have
> more  faith in  those with degrees in the fields under discussion. Maybe
> there
> would be more  folks leaning towards Evolution than Creationism for
> example...or Less UFO  sightings with ET alien overtones. Then again it
> takes a
> person or two with  science degrees to voice their off the wall  authority
> to
> wrongly direct folks  towards erroneous beliefs.
> GeoZay
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Michael Gilmer (Louisiana, USA)
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