Check out the last picture - there's a white chondrule clearly visible
in the upper right/center of the photo.
Also note the dark chondrule (large, but fuzzy) at the bottom edge of
the slice, a tad to the left of center.
I'd go with LL6; it has a few chondrules, and from what I understand,
the type seven designation is reserved for primitive achondrites.  Of
course, it's hard to gauge L vs LL, but you did say that the magnetism
was "very low."

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Galactic Stone &
Ironworks<meteoritem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Listees!
> I'd like some opinions on a meteorite I cut open yesterday.  It's an
> oddball I've had in my box of NWA for some time - awaiting a date with
> the saw.  It exhibits a very low magnetism and it has a grey matrix
> almost entirely devoid of chondrules - although there does appear to
> be some remnant chondrule structures.  I'm hoping it might be some
> kind of achondrite, but the magnetism mostly rules that out.  Is it
> some uncommon type like an L7?  Or is it just something common that I
> have not seen before?
> The exterior has a wind polished desert varnish on it and there
> doesn't appear to be any fusion crust to speak of - although there are
> a few scattered tiny patches of black on it.  The stone weighs 16
> grams.  I only made 2 cuts - I cut one corner off to expose the matrix
> (endcut) and I made one thin slice.   The rest of the stone is intact.
> Here are some photo links -
> http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj24/Meteoritethrower/Meteorites/Anomalous/new-odd-cut/odd-new-1.jpg
> http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj24/Meteoritethrower/Meteorites/Anomalous/new-odd-cut/odd-new-2.jpg
> http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj24/Meteoritethrower/Meteorites/Anomalous/new-odd-cut/odd-new-3.jpg
> Any opinions are welcomed.
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> --
> .........................................................
> Michael Gilmer (Louisiana, USA)
> Member of the Meteoritical Society.
> Member of the Bayou Region Stargazers Network.
> Websites - http://www.galactic-stone.com and http://www.glassthrower.com
> ..........................................................
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