Okay, now let me see if I've got this straight...   You're sitting there
rubbing your hands in glee and cackling over your own private pile of
freshly-fallen stones, saying that the key to recovering as many meteorites
as possible is to get the public involved...

I can't agree more!  How 'bout some coordinates?  Might not suck to have a
small army out there before the rains come.  ;-)

Meanwhile I'll start holding my breath, because blue is my favorite color.

Asplosion in 3...2...1....


On 7/10/09 12:43 PM, "Michael Farmer" <meteorite...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> This is out of control, endless media hype by those seeking nothing but fame,
> and nothing about what the public should be looking for.
> After days of walking, I am sitting here in Tucson, playing with two week old
> meteorites, and resting my blister-covered feet and catching up on the last
> few days of emails.
> I am sickened by these stories, the backstabbing already in full swing out
> east. We don't want and by holding our cards to our chest, we don't have that
> problem out here. I hope everyone can see that now. Offers in papers about
> "paying more, and don't sell to greedy dealers on the ground, just call me"
> etc. Now you know why we don't want any help with our fall. We are working
> together, and finding stones.
> I speak for myself here, so any crap needs come to me, as my teammates and
> friends are in the field right now, but work must be done since I am at home
> and I am taking today to recuperate.
> This endless media blitz over "Meteorite-Men" is getting old. Every email,
> every eBay auction, every mention of some people to throw that quip in. How
> long must we endure this hype? Come on, just get out there and work, your fame
> is worth about $1.00 in the field. Walking, blisters, sunburns, that will find
> meteorites, not talking about your show.
> In NONE of those articles is there a peep that locals in that area need to get
> out and walk the streets, look for black burned stones, check the lawn,
> parking lots, parks..... Why not? Tell people what to do, not the prices per
> gram, it has to be found to be sold.
> If this PA stone is found, it won't be with the pictures but by a person
> mowing their lawn, or driving down the road. Focus on the hunt, use the locals
> and this can be found, keep hyping yourselves and it is just publicity, and
> the meteorite will be lost.
> Sad.
> Michael Farmer
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