Mike, List, Sorry for this list but here goes. This post is lower than I 
thought even you would stoop. Steve's portrait of you as a pig in mud is very 
kind. I, like Steve won't stoop to mud slinging but are you envious that I and 
not you have found Arizona meteorites. All you need to do is get out and look 
on your own and you may find some. Don't always depend on other people like 
Jack to steer you. I might add that anybody can buy  meteorites from those very 
hard working Moroccans. Your work fails to impress everybody but you. You toot 
your own horn more than everybody else on this list combined. Yes you are in 
bed with a few scientists but ask any one of them if they respect you. Sure you 
feed them but someday they will realize that they are better off with the rest 
of us instead of you. I have been reading this list for only two years and I 
have never read a single  good thing about you. you treat everyone the same. 
Like crap. 
I know. Here I go again  needing the towel to clean up with but I love this 
list. I think most of the people are amazing . I have learned a great deal and 
a few of the people are no less than geniuses. You are the only true moron that 
posts here.
And what do you mean institutions don't want to deal with me? I deal with many 
scientists and so far not a single complaint. Michael Blood sold a small self 
find Eucrite for me but what have you to do with this??? 
Mike you would do well to start being nice to people. I have gotten quite a few 
posts thanking me for what I've said and I do not know these people. So, I am 
not alone here. Please go shower and maybe you will see what it feels like to 
be clean . --
Carl or Debbie Esparza
IMCA 5829

---- Michael Farmer <meteorite...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> Carl, your response is so rude to hardly deserve a reply, but hey, it is not 
> often I am called a "Psycho". Pretty funny really. You should really get a 
> paper towl and clean that brown stuff off your nose.
> Carl, there is a reason that the institutions want nothing to do with you, 
> and you know why. You should tell the list about what makes all of your "new" 
> Arizona meteorites so similar.
> Any new Eucrites you found on your meteorite farm lately?
> Michael Farmer
> --- On Fri, 7/10/09, cdtuc...@cox.net <cdtuc...@cox.net> wrote:
> > From: cdtuc...@cox.net <cdtuc...@cox.net>
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] PA fall media hype
> > To: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>, "Notkin" 
> > <geok...@notkin.net>
> > Date: Friday, July 10, 2009, 3:26 PM
> > Geoff, Steve, "meteorite Men" You are
> > both class acts. There is nothing you can do about a psycho
> > like Mike. In response to people like him it reminds me of
> > what  My mother has always said, she just shrugged her
> > shoulders and says "GOD LOVE HIM". Just pray that they get
> > help for him soon. In the mean time keep up the good work
> > and TV show.  I think someone has aleady said that
> > Mike  is the single biggest problem with this hobby
> > today. Very sad. Carl. 
> > --
> > Carl or Debbie Esparza
> > IMCA 5829
> > Meteoritemax
> > 
> > 
> > ---- Notkin <geok...@notkin.net>
> > wrote: 
> > > Dear Mike:
> > > 
> > > So, when other people are featured in the media while
> > searching for  
> > > meteorites you start tub thumping about it, but it's
> > fine for Mike  
> > > Farmer to use the media when it is convenient for
> > him?
> > > 
> > > During the West, Texas hunt you and your team were in
> > the papers  
> > > repeatedly, front page even. I didn't hear any
> > complaints then. The  
> > > "Waco Tribune" did a big piece in which you talked
> > about how you  
> > > bought a West (Ash Creek) stone during a secret
> > meeting in a local gas  
> > > station for "more than $10.000" in cash. Most of that
> > article focused  
> > > precisely on how much the West meteorites were worth:
> > > 
> > > http://www.wacotrib.com/news/content/news/stories/2009/03/17/03172009wacmeteor.html
> > > 
> > > I am sure I don't have to remind you that the
> > newspaper story caused  
> > > plenty of local problems. Some landowners right away
> > figured they  
> > > might have a $10,000 meteorite on their property too,
> > and land was  
> > > closed off to hunters.
> > > 
> > > You were also the subject of magazine features in
> > "Fortune" and  
> > > Southwest Airlines magazines, and many other prominent
> > publications --  
> > > very good articles and photos, by the way, and I have
> > complimented you  
> > > on them in person. So, if media pieces are about you
> > it is fine, but  
> > > you are "sickened" when others get some coverage?
> > Please explain.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Geoff N.
> > > 
> > > www.aerolite.org
> > > www.meteoritemen.com
> > > www.meteoriteblog.org
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