Hi Erik,

> Sonny Clary has many finds rare and common under his belt.
> He has boxes of ordinary chondrites and many rare pieces
> including the only achondrite to be found on this continent.

Sonny Clary is certainly high on the list of successful meteorite
hunters with a prolific number of unpaired finds. However, I
think you're forgetting quite a few North American achondrites:

Monument Draw, TX - acapulcoite
Superior Valley 014, CA - acapulcoite (found my list member Jason Utas)
Tierra Blanca, TX - winonaite
Winona, AZ - winonaite (of course)
Kenna, NM - ureilite
Roosevelt County 027, NM - ureilite (Skip Wilson find)
Lafayette, IN - nakhlite
Los Angeles, CA - shergottite (Bob Verish find)
Frankfort, AL - howardite
Melrose (b), NM - howardite
Monticello, KT - howardite
Washougal, WA - howardite
Winterhaven, CA - howardite (I didn't even know about this one!)

Plus a whole bunch of eucrites, five aubrites, and a couple diogenites.

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