Excellent reply Al.  I couldn't agree more.  I recall reading about
Nininger going down to Mexico to look for Toluca (was it?), and the
trip sounded very interesting - given the times, like you said.

If Harvey wasn't the "best" hunter, then he was the type of meteorite
personality that this hobby could use today - no offense to any of the
current personalities.  With the passing of Richard Norton and Jim
Kriegh, this hobby is becoming short on gentlemanly ambassadors of
great wisdom.

Best regards,


On 7/16/09, al mitt <alm...@kconline.com> wrote:
> Greetings List,
> Not sure where this idea that Harvey Nininger wasn't a meteorite hunter came
> from but it is wrong. He was a meteorite hunter, he chased falls, plotted
> areas they fell in and went to those areas to search. He also hunted in
> areas that he was in. He did that while hunting for scrap metal during world
> war 2. He was effective at getting people to look for him. I would say that
> is using your head so more specimens could be found and using people that
> were familiar with the land to hunt those areas. When Norton County fell,
> Nininger was standing on top of the meteorite when Lincoln LaPaz and his
> friend arrived and looked down to see Nininger already there. Don't tell me
> that hunters these days don't get local people to hunt and go back to buy
> later. Sure they hunt themselves but getting others to help expedites finds.
> One would have to define what a meteorite hunter is (as mentioned already in
> this thread). Just because it doesn't fit your definition doesn't mean that
> hunting in a specific way is wrong or excludes you as a hunter. People
> making the claim that Nininger wasn't a hunter, haven't read all his books
> and don't know the extreme efforts he went to finding new specimens. He
> often went back to areas and conducted hunts while also approaching people
> who might know something about a find or fall. Plainview, Texas is one area
> that he hunted extensively finding more specimens to collect and trade. He
> went into Mexico chasing down leads which were pretty risky back then.
> One also has to remember the time and conditions in which Harvey Nininger
> hunted. He hunted in the depression era but was still able to persuade
> investors to buy into his hunts. Transportation was not good back then. Lots
> of dirt roads and hazards along the way while driving his model T. Patching
> tires in deep mud. Making it three or four hundred miles was tough. Flying
> back then was expensive and not real common. There were no interstate roads
> that you could jump in your car and drive 700 miles a day easily.
> Metal detectors weren't as effective and bulky. People were very cautious of
> strangers in their towns and on their ranches and farms. Harvey mentioned
> that for every successful trip, there were dozens of other trips that didn't
> pan out. He wasn't eager to mention the trips that weren't successful. If he
> found or was able to have others help him find over 222 new finds or falls
> and over a thousand meteorite specimens, he certainly picked up a number of
> meteorite specimens himself. Multiply 222 times a dozen or two (trips or
> leads that weren't successful) and you have nearly 5,000 to 6,000 trips and
> hunts. Divide by a forty year span of time and you have about 125 trips or
> hunts a year! How many trips are people making these days using modern
> transportation? Nininger would often and smartly combine trips but that is
> still a lot of hunting in my book.
> Nininger used Farington's book on meteorites 1915 to hunt down old
> strewnfields. I'll try to dig up some of his personal finds and post them
> here when time permits. Saying Harvey Nininger wasn't hardly a meteorite
> hunter shows a great deal of ignorance and such people making claims should
> read some of his books he wrote to educate themselves. Best!
> --AL Mitterling
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Michael Gilmer (Louisiana, USA)
Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Member of the Bayou Region Stargazers Network.
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