Good afternoon everyone,

Some members have expressed yesterday their displeasure in the recent threads 
about alien life and movie/TV
trivia. Well, here're your chance to discuss meteorites. Several weeks ago I 
had asked about silicated Campos.
There was only one reply (Thanks again, Joe K.). It could have been because the 
question was too easy to
deserve an answer or maybe no one knew. Perhaps my questioning sounded   like 
so much gibberish and so the post was automatically ignored and deleted. I've 
reprinted my post below. Let me rephrase my question. What are the 
differences/similarities between mesosiderites and silicated irons? There's not 
much info in the web that I can find.


I wrote:

>What are those silicated Campos? Are they irons that have not yet completed 
>it's differentiation, similar to pallasites? Or are they more like 
>mesosiderites with the silicated material from an asteroid that have impacted 
>another asteroid to the iron core? Or are they something else? Are the two 
>materials unrelated to each other as in mesosiderites?

Doesn't matter at this point whether or not they are Campos (I remember reading 
somewhere they were found several hundred miles away), it's just a name anyway, 
but to my untrained eye they look more like mesos. Also, is the Toluca (b)(?)
formed the same way?

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