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Get a grip=2C man=2C=2C if you don't like these threads involving newcomers=
 asking for important/useful advice - you can ignore/delete them.=20


IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what=
 you're gonna get!

> From: bencub...@hotmail.com
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Sat=2C 14 Nov 2009 00:17:42 -0700
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Best ways to send payments - BEATING A DEAD=
 HORSEIs toMorocco
> Is anyone else getting tired of this moronic discussion?
> I laugh at how the "newbies" expect the veterans with the battle scars to=
 tell them exacty how to .... Hunt Meteorites or Sell on Ebay or send money=
 overseas. Get off the couch and do your own legwork.
> Now lets give this thread a proper burrial and get back to meteorites. Di=
dn't someone actually find something (like a meteorite not an alien) that w=
e can talk about?
> Howard Steffic
>> Date: Fri=2C 13 Nov 2009 14:54:25 -0800
>> From: abdelaziz_alhy...@yahoo.com
>> To: spacewoman2...@hotmail.com=3b meteorite-l...@meteoritecentral.com=3b=
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Best ways to send payments from Canada toM=
>> Hello Brian and all=2C
>> MoneyGram is available in Morocco=2C and Abdellah is a good person five =
stars in honesty and trust.
>> My best
>> Aziz
>> --- On Fri=2C 11/13/09=2C Brian Cox  wrote:
>>> From: Brian Cox=20
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Best ways to send payments from Canada to=
>>> To: "Melanie Matthews" =2C meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>>> Date: Friday=2C November 13=2C 2009=2C 2:39 PM
>>> Hi Melanie=2C
>>> I'm glad you are on top of this and that you are keeping in
>>> touch with the seller. I'm glad he's mailing back your
>>> postal money order. Hopefully the Moneyram will work out and
>>> he'll accept it as he said and you'll get your new
>>> meteorites.
>>> I wish you all the best and hope that you receive some
>>> really great and rare meteorites in the group.
>>> Have a great day!
>>> Brian
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Melanie Matthews"
>>> To: "Brian Cox" =3B
>>> Sent: Friday=2C November 13=2C 2009 1:15 AM
>>> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Best ways to send payments
>>> from Canada toMorocco
>>> Hi Brian=2C listers.
>>> Actually it was a postal money order that I
>>> mailed out to him (Mr. Abdellah Afiniss)=2C and yes it
>>> included the cost
>>> of the stones plus the shipping costs. I asked him to mail
>>> it back to
>>> me and he said he did.
>>> Once I get the slip back I'm going to
>>> get back the money I put onto it and re-send the payment to
>>> him -
>>> probably via Moneygram (which he told me he accepts).
>>> At first offered me a lot total of 8.5 kgs of chondrites
>>> (all
>>> unclassified)=2C=2C knowing full well I couldn't afford all
>>> that I circled
>>> some stones in Paint.net (free image editing program
>>> similar to
>>> MSPaint) that I wanted in the photographs=2C emailed back to
>>> him and
>>> kindly asked him to send me images of each meteorite I
>>> picked sitting
>>> on the scale to show their weights... I then worked out the
>>> prices
>>> until I made the final decition on buying five rocks
>>> together weighing
>>> 837 grams..
>>> As I said he has been very cooperative=2C and I thanks him
>>> and I thank all here on the list for their
>>> input/suggestions!
>>> -----------
>>> Melanie
>>> IMCA: 2975
>>> eBay: metmel2775
>>> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
>>> Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you
>>> never know what you're gonna get!
>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>> From: searchingfor...@sbcglobal.net
>>>> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
>>>> Date: Thu=2C 12 Nov 2009 14:56:13 -0600
>>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Best ways to send
>>> payments from Canada to Morocco
>>>> Hello Melanie and list=2C
>>>> In regards to your question of sending payments to
>>> Morocco=2C I have to ask a
>>>> couple of questions and others also mentioned they
>>> weren't clear on your
>>>> question since you didn't seem to be including
>>> shipping costs. I'd like to
>>>> help you out and I mean this in the most thoughtful
>>> and kindest way
>>>> possible=2C so please don't take it negatively or have
>>> any anger towards me.
>>>> Make sure you include shipping costs when you were
>>> determining the total
>>>> amount of the payment you need to send to the seller
>>> and then send a check
>>>> and then say you couldn't afford the FedEx shipping
>>> costs if that is what
>>>> you agreed to buy from the seller? You have said this
>>> in the past about not
>>>> having money to pay for something or to pay for the
>>> shipping costs. It's
>>>> good to ask for help if you are not experienced in
>>> sending payments outside
>>>> of Canada beyond Paypal. This sounds like you decided
>>> to send a check for
>>>> the meteorites and then were going to decide about a
>>> payment for the
>>>> "shipping" as a separate payment or to pay for
>>> shipping later on. Is this
>>>> why you stated you couldn't afford the FedEx shipping
>>> costs after you had
>>>> sent your personal Canadian paper check? This doesn't
>>> sound right why you
>>>> wouldn't determine the full amount due to the seller
>>> for the items with
>>>> shipping and or insurance and then send one payment
>>> and later decide you
>>>> couldn't afford the shipping costs they gave you.
>>>> Also=2C you stated you sent a "Paper Check" which=2C as I
>>> am thinking is a
>>>> "personal check" from your personal Canadian bank
>>> account by what you wrote.
>>>> I'm confused to why would you think that a personal
>>> check from your Canadian
>>>> bank account would be "valid" as you say=2C to a dealer
>>> in Morocco=2C which I am
>>>> sure it is valid in Canada and you have money in your
>>> account=2C but most
>>>> likely would not be accepted in Morocco or any other
>>> country? You don't
>>>> often hear of dealers in Asia=2C Africa=2C Europe or for
>>> the most part any
>>>> dealers in the U.S. or anywhere in North or South
>>> America or Australia that
>>>> would accept a personal Paper check from a bank in a
>>> different country=2C
>>>> although it may happen. A check from a Canadian bank
>>> account or from a U.S.
>>>> bank account or any personal paper check from any
>>> other country most likely
>>>> won't be accepted unless they verified with their bank
>>> first that they could
>>>> accept that check. An example would be if there was
>>> Citibank in Canada and
>>>> then Citibank in the U.S. would accept that check or
>>> Citibank in England=2C
>>>> etc. .I'm sure if the check was from a bank that had a
>>> branch in that
>>>> country that it would be accepted=2C but it usually
>>> creates a hassle and is
>>>> time consuming to stand in line or through an ATM. As
>>> several members
>>>> mentioned bank wire is the safest and then probably
>>> FedEx payment=2C but
>>>> sending a paper check or money order isn't a good idea
>>> as Gary mentioned.
>>>> I would like to offer a friendly suggestion to help
>>> you out. Please make
>>>> sure you discuss all the facts and figures with any
>>> dealer/collector
>>>> anywhere in the world before closing a deal. Remember
>>> you are entering a
>>>> contract with this dealer=2C whether it is on ebay or
>>> through their website or
>>>> through correspondence with the dealer. On ebay this
>>> is stated as you are
>>>> entering a contract so be mindful of this. You need to
>>> finalize all costs.
>>>> You need to get the full amount that you owe in
>>> writing=2C email=2C etc. for the
>>>> meteorites and any insurance and shipping and then you
>>> need to first discuss
>>>> the method of payment to that dealer before you send
>>> any payment. I think
>>>> your first mistake here was that it sounds as if you
>>> didn't determine the
>>>> full costs of the meteorites with shipping=2C then you
>>> didn't ask the seller
>>>> if he or she would accept a "Personal Paper Check from
>>> another country. I
>>>> think you will have much better luck and increase good
>>> relations with
>>>> dealers through online sales=2C ebay and through the
>>> different meteorite lists
>>>> you if you slow down and get the facts before making
>>> purchases and payments.
>>>> As you have written on your posts the equivalent of
>>> The Tom Hanks character
>>>> from the Forest Gump movie=2C "Life is like a box of
>>> chocolates." You need
>>>> to stop and think that your eyes are bigger than your
>>> stomach and stop and
>>>> think of what you are wanting to bid on or buy first
>>> and how to pay for it.
>>>> There is an old saying in America that you may or may
>>> not know in Canada.
>>>> "Your eyes are bigger than your stomach" which roughly
>>> means you saw the
>>>> food on the menu and you ordered all that looked good
>>> to eat=2C but your
>>>> stomach wasn't big enough to eat it all and you became
>>> very full before you
>>>> could finish the meal. This is the same as the child
>>> that fills their plate
>>>> up and can't eat it all at home. This also goes along
>>> with shopping at the
>>>> store when you are hungry and buying too much=2C as in
>>> buying more goodies
>>>> than you needed. In this case looking at meteorites
>>> you want to buy and then
>>>> not carefully researching making a payment and then
>>> feeling full of
>>>> frustration and aggravation at how to make the payment
>>> or what road to go
>>>> down. I truly hope this helps in the future.
>>>> Have a great day!
>>>> Brian
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------=
>>>> Best ways to send payments from Canada to Morocco
>>>> Hi list=2C
>>>> Please help - I mailed a payment to a Moroccan dealer
>>> for a lot of
>>>> chondrites via a paper check=2C he got it today=2C but he
>>> told me that the banks
>>>> over there don't recognize it even though it is
>>> completely valid. I can't
>>>> afford the shipping costs through FedEx for the lot I
>>> want - which will be
>>>> over $200 CND... so what other less expensive options
>>> do you suggest?
>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>> -----------
>>>> Melanie
>>>> IMCA: 2975
>>>> eBay: metmel2775
>>>> Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09
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