Hello Howard, All,

You are absolutely correct. We newbies should not ask knowledgeable veterans 
such basic questions. We must do the legwork ourselves but never reveal how we 
do it to achieve our goals if someone asks. Speaking for myself I would like to 
thank you, Howard, for all the wonderful and thought provoking topics about 
meteorites you have provided in the past. Did I mention you would be a great 

For those not familiar with Howard's input, please type "Howard Steffic" in the 
search window.

Howard, you asked if anyone actually found a meteorite? Please start a thread 
about meteorites we can all talk seriously about. You know you can't rely on 
newbies to do anything right. Thanks for setting us, newbies, straight!


Howard wrote:
>...I laugh at how the "newbies" expect the veterans with the battle scars to 
them exacty how to ....  Hunt Meteorites or Sell on Ebay or send money
overseas.  Get off the couch and do your own legwork.

Now lets give this thread a proper burrial and get back to meteorites.  Didn't
someone actually find something (like a meteorite not an alien) that we can
talk about?...

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