Dear Guy I think Bill serves the community at large to remind the list
and newbies who know nothing about the real Steve-- so, sorry I
strongly disagree that we should all use the delete button.  Steve has
contaminated our collections with his fake/mislabeled/ relabeled
specimens.  Conversely Steve could have spent his time acting
responsibly and not being a @#&#.  Where is YOUR indignation at Steve?

And George?  Is Steve a dealer or not? Sure acts like one but he says
he is not one.

Yeah yeah yeah yada yada ---but how many have gotten fake meteorites
and how many have been outright cheated out of what they paid for?
--You folks that defend Steve's giveaways are kool-aid drinkers that
would accept free arsenic-laced kool-aid and think it a swell friendly
gesture because it was a freebie and would defend his right to
distribute it with your dying breath.  If I loved art and could afford
a Picasso and I wanted to chop it up because it was mine to do as I
please--is it morally right to allow me to do so? You Steve defenders
think yes it is ok  as long as you get a piece.

This "well Steve has never cheated me" comment is confoundedly naive.
Do you also disbelieve your parents when they say don't touch the iron
it is hot and have to touch it for yourself ?  You that defend him
because he has never cheated you personally--or those with memories
shorter than a few days WILL be cheated eventually and then you'll
whine about getting cheated.  You deserve what you get and it won't be
sympathy from me.

Bottom line: those that defend Steve are either sub rock dwellers who
are oblivious to the Real Steve and should gird themselves with a dose
of reality prior to opening their mouths  OR they are just unethical
compulsive enablers that keep his pathological game play going because
they do not have the ethics to do otherwise.

If anyone else had ran a scam just once like Arnold does daily, the
list would be outraged.  Misplaced sympathy for poor generous Steve
--held by so many allegedly informed and intelligent folk speaks very
poorly about their judgment in general.  MOST children are too
immature to play with real loaded firearms but some enablers allow
them to do so because it is so cute and charming but most feel it is
immoral to let children play with firearms.

Same-- same --for distributing meteorites by child-like adults and to
other child or childlike personalities People who take hammers to
meteorites just to give away pieces to garner sympathy /attention
would not be allowed to own them if I were king. Why so many can't
distinguish St Nick from the Grench in this discussion is beyond me.

Elton who is also sick of "well poor Steve has a problem so we should
never confront him" liberal touchy-feelly "jello for a back-bone"
mouth pieces.

Merry Fracking Christmas
Meteorite-list mailing list

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