Waren, I was not refering to you at all.  I was talking about people in 
general.  And yes Daren I do think that the stuff that RH shows is just a bunch 
of light and dark shadows.   However I have a big respect fore NASA!  I think 
that they are doing a great job and should get all the funding that they need 
to continue their fine work!  But the fact remains the same, people who think 
that they are educated are duped in just about everything including beliving 
that there are no aliens and never was any life on Mars.  So strongly that if 
shown an alien house on Mars they would say , just shadows!  They can not think 
for themselves, let alone outside the box!

----- Original Message ----
> From: Darren Garrison <cyna...@charter.net>
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Sent: Thu, May 6, 2010 9:50:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] ETs (EXTREME TYPES) Already Here!
> On Thu, 6 May 2010 19:04:53 -0500, you wrote:

>----> When humans see alien life they just say ho hum and keep going 
> on about their day. <-- 
>What exactly is this supposed to 
> imply? 

Sadly, I'm confident that he means 
> this:


> similar 
> photos


> insane conspiracy theory 
> bullshit.
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