Shawn wrote: "...either way you look at it Lost City was the first USA
meteorite fall to be photographed to show the meteor in flight."

No, you can't say this for certain. My original post was simply to point out
Wylie's evidence to argue against Nininger's theory. I believe it could be
argued either way. Therefore, I think it would be prudent to phrase any Lost
City description the way I originally suggested:

"The Lost City Fireball was the first in the US to be captured by a
photographic network resulting in subsequent recovery."

This way, it stays neutral.


Mike Bandli
Historic Meteorites
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IMCA #5765

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Shawn Alan
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2010 8:07 PM
To: Michael Blood
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Statement re LOST CITY-first meteorite fall
tobe photographedin the USA :)

When you have the chance if you haven't already read Mike Bandli post about
this topic. If not here is a copy n past, and Mike thank you for the post. 
"This isn't the first time the Pasamonte photo topic has come up on the
There was a good thread on this in June 2003 in the archives. As pointed out

then, C.C. Wylie (Pop. Astronomy, 1950) argued against the Pasamonte photo 
being an actual photo of the fireball itself, but instead, the luminous 

A quote from Marco Langbroek of Dutch Meteor Society citing some of Wylie's 
work: "The photograph was taken by a ranch foreman. He was inside the house 
when alerted by a bright flash outside. He picked up his camera, went 
outside to a spot with clear view, and took the picture. He actually opened 
the shutter while still walking... Given the sequence related, it is likely 
that it pictures the bright persistent train rather than the fireball 

Michael, either way you look at it Lost City was the first USA meteorite
fall to be photographed to show the meteor in flight. The image from 1933 is
only the smoke trail due to the meteor in flight. The image doesn't show any
evidence of the meteor like how the Lost City photography does. SO that
image is more or less an image of the after effects of a meteor in flight,
aka smoke trail and luminocity. 
 I am going by evidence and photographs and  Marco Langbroek of Dutch Meteor
Society cited some of Wylie's work also agrees about how the 1933 image " is
likely that it pictures the bright persistent train rather than the fireball
 All and all,  from this, I learned about a new meteorite and some history
behind it and got some good research in.

--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Michael Blood <> wrote:

From: Michael Blood <>
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Statement re LOST CITY-first meteorite fall to
be photographedin the USA :)
To: "Shawn Alan" <>, "Meteorite List"
Date: Sunday, July 25, 2010, 7:37 PM

Yo, Shawn,
        See your comment at the bottom, below (taken out of context
of your response to Al):
        The card to which you refer came with the specimen when I
Purchased it. Many - in fact most of my customers WANT whatever
Cards, labels, photos, newspaper articles (regardless of errors therein)
To be included with the specimens I sell them.
        Hence the photograph on my site.
        Is this understandable to you?
        I carefully worded my original post so as to minimize any inkling
Of any implication whatsoever that you may have provided a false
statement on purpose in your eBay ad.
        Similar consideration on your part would have been appreciated.
        Kind regards, Michael

On 7/25/10 10:58 AM, "Shawn Alan" <> wrote:

> AL now you know what I find that is even more odd is that Michael Blood is
> selling two Lost City meteorites and if you take a look at one of the
> meteorite he has on his website :)
> the ID card
> he has with the meteorite clearly states that Lost City is the first
> fall to be photographer in USA. I find that Michael's earlier statement
> un quote.......

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