Jason, your observation is spot on and well taken  While I did mention CRE ( 
Cosmic Ray Exposure) analysis, my thoughts were more of being able to analyze 
the mechanics of the fragmentation by observing/matching features from the 
different adjacent surfaces.. e.g. were chondrules split in two or did the 
matrix separate around chondrule surfaces. If so, what was the secondary 
ablation loss between surfaces? Was there evidence of micro spalling on 
surfaces evidencing the difference in internal vs surface temperatures.  So 
fragments seems would give rise to analyzing some very esoteric musings that 
might give insight into factors which control fragmentation.

Back to pairs, I imagine some directly matching fragments in other stones might 
be used if one took a laser topography series so the surface could be digitally 
analyzed looking for specific chondrule sites on both sides to see if the sheer 
amounted to fracturing undulating within the matrix or the sheer was so 
the rupture also split chondrules.  Perhaps a good thesis project for some grad 
student somewhere, sometime.
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