Hi Adam and List,

Holy Smokes Batman!  That is a seriously hardcore collection of main
masses.  That NWA 5000 is big enough to place on the floor and stand
on it carefully.  Then you can say that you "walked on the moon"..!

I started out as a collector and then started trading/selling
specimens to make the hobby finance itself.  As time progressed, I
became more absorbed into meteorites and dealing them just seemed a
natural extension of my interest.  Then I started cutting and
polishing meteorites.  But, with the economic downturn and a rash of
medical bills, I was forced to sell off many of my favorite pieces
from my "personal stash" collection.  I still have a seperate
collection which is different from the offerings on my website, but it
consists mostly of sentimental pieces, unclassified pieces, and and
eclectic range of micromounts of various falls and odd types.
Generally speaking, any of these pieces on their own is not worth a
lot of money, so the temptation to sell them when under financial
pressure has been minimal.  Thus these pieces have longevity in my
collection.  For example, I still have the very first meteorites that
I ever bought and I would not sell them, even if I was pressed for

If finances were not a limitation, I would obsessively indulge my
desire to accumulate meteorites and the house would be filled to the
rafters with them.  I'm currently in the process of slowly rebuilding
my personal collection (for the 2nd time now, this will be my 3rd
collection).  At it's peak, I had over 100 localities in my personal
stash and only a small percentage of those were sub-gram micromounts.
Now, I have about the same amount of localities, but only if I include
the my trade/resale inventory and many of those are micros.

Meteorites is just one extension of my collecting obsession, that also
includes rocks, crystals, tektites, meteorwrongs, fossils, and other

Best regards,


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

On 8/15/10, Adam Hupe <raremeteori...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> The question was presented.  How many dealers have a personal collection?
> My brother Greg and I started out as collectors and continue to this day.  I
> believe we have more planetary main masses than anybody in the world.
> Here is an image of part of the Hupe Planetary Collection.
> http://themeteoritesite.com/HupeCollectionMainMasses.jpg
> We have a few more planetary main masses that are not included in this
> image,
> either because they were out on loan or too small.
> Enjoy and Best Regards,
> Adam
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