Hi Kirk, I agree such a discovery, if true, is monumental. Perhaps even larger than one person could ever conceive or comprehend. As huge as news of this is, not one person responded with comment to even refute this lastest link or argue against it, or propose another opinion at all. It simply got ignored.

I'm seriously curious about this apparent double standard on the burden of proof. Sure, there's questions to be asked, but my point is no ones asking... Even the NASA's announcement of 3 Martian meteorites having "possible" evidence of life in the form of microbial fossils was practically ignored from most list members a few months back. Barely any discussion on it at all. It seems people would rather whine about what meteorite is paired with what, complain about pricing than talk about what really matters.


It's like no one wants to talk about the possibility of aliens or something! ;) Is there really some alien stigma out there?

Are people afraid of being accused of being crazy tinfoil hat wearing alien mind probe freaks?


On 8/20/2010 3:52 PM, Becky and Kirk wrote:
Hi Eric and All,
A very significant discovery indeed---and---the evidence to back it up!
A huge story! The Murchison data is pretty compelling.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Meteorites USA" <e...@meteoritesusa.com>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, August 20, 2010 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Cyanobacteria in meteorites?

Amazing there's No response on a meteorite list about possible fossilized bacteria and microbes in meteorites.... Is it because it's on "Panspermia.org" or that the word "Panspermia" is used?

Why the silence on such a HUGE subject?


On 8/20/2010 5:35 AM, Charles O'Dale wrote:

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