Hi List,
Here is a Google translation of the story in English.


15 years ago was a farmer Harold Skage on Hatlestrand move a stone that was not where it should. But it was no ordinary stone that lay on the ground.

- I lifted up the stone, but even if it was not so great it was so heavy that barely managed to lift it, "says Skage.

He knew at once that there was no common stone that had fallen on his farm.

- Because of the unusual weight, I got a gut feeling that this could be something that came from heaven, "says Skage.

Hidden treasure
In about 15 years lay buried and forgotten stone outside the house in Kvinnherad. It was not until Harald Skage mentioned it to the magazine Bygdadrøso built this year, the news came out.

- It's unbelievable that the stone has been such a well-kept secret to the media for so many years, "said Gerd Karin Mountain in Bygdadrøso.

Stølen contacted astrophysicist Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard, who immediately responded. He would like to take it very special stone a closer look.

- Yesterday, he came here - and did equally well with the whole family. They were all very interested and fascinated, "said Mountain.

- Norway History
Knut Jørgen Røed Ødegaard said that the discovery of about 59 kg is historic.

- It is Norway's history if this proves to be an iron meteorite. This makes it the second largest meteorite found in Norway ever, "he said.

The largest was found in Alta in 1902, and weighed 77.5 kg.

He is 99 percent sure that the rock is a meteorite, but can not guarantee it until investigations are carried out on the Mineralogical-Geological Museum at Tøyen in Oslo.

Røed Ødegaard wife Anne Mette Sannes is also passionate about meteorites.

- I had to come along to Hatlestrand to see for yourself, I was so curious!

She finds it exciting that we do not know how long the meteorite has been on the ground.

- Further investigations will determine the age of the stone, but for all we know it may have been there since our ancestors, "she said.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bjorn Sorheim <astro...@online.no>
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Cc: bsoer...@online.no
Sent: Sun, Oct 10, 2010 8:54 am
Subject: Norways TV-astronomer KJR Ødegaard helps decovers Norways 2nd largest meteorite!?

Norways TV-astronomer KJR Ødegaard helps decovers 2nd largest meteorite in 
Norways history! It's hot on several norwegian newsmedia right now. 
He will eat earthly 'greystone' ('gråstein') if it's not a meteorite...;-) 
Will be shown on Norways 2nd largest TV-station in a few hours. 
Well he has a major in astronomy, and been on TV, but what does he know 
about stones, really? 
Anyway everybody in Norway believes his stories, it seems, how is this 
possible after all these years? 
(Translate from norwegianby pasting into translate.google.com) 
What do you make out of the story and images? 
Bjørn Sørheim 
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