What do you make out of the story and images?

My guess is that this is an ingot of limonitic bog iron.
The pits are discontinuous pits etched by acid soil,
not regmaglypts which are almost always gradually

Bog iron was the principal, almost only, source of
iron in northern Europe through 1000 BC to 1000 AD.
Here's a good source on Viking iron technology:

Its extraction and refining was a basic homestead skill
in Norway, not an industrial speciality and digging
any long-settled area with nearby watered boggy areas
could be expected to turn up some bog iron.

"Where streams run from nearby mountains through
a peat bog, bog iron can almost always be found."

I don't know the region of the find, of course, but this
piece could be 1000 to 1500 years old, and for "peat
bogs" you can substitute any old swampy meadow, like
the fields at L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland where
a Norse smithy and bog iron artifacts were found (putting
an end to that controversy about Vinland).

It shouldn't take long to make a determination, either way.

Sterling K. Webb
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bjorn Sorheim" <astro...@online.no>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Cc: <astro...@online.no>
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 2010 11:10 AM
Subject: Norways TV-astronomer KJR Ødegaard helps decovers Norways 2nd largest meteorite!?



Norways TV-astronomer KJR Ødegaard helps decovers 2nd largest meteorite in
Norways history! It's hot on several norwegian newsmedia right now.
He will eat earthly 'greystone' ('gråstein') if it's not a meteorite...;-)
Will be shown on Norways 2nd largest TV-station in a few hours.

Well he has a major in astronomy, and been on TV,  but what does he know
about stones, really?
Anyway everybody in Norway believes his stories, it seems, how is this
possible after all these years?

(Translate from norwegianby pasting into translate.google.com)
What do you make out of the story and images?

Bjørn Sørheim

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