Without getting too deeply into word origins - divining means to prophesy the
future - from God's lips to mine ears - and few dowsers claim to be so well
connected - so 'divining rods' seems quite the misnomer -

Between those going back and forth as to whether a given set of experiments was
'properly done' (which, among the lay, in my experience tends to mean 'giving
the results I like'), there seems to be an issue about the 'science' and
'scientists' who may or may not know anything about the field of dowsing,

I would like to pose the following, non-scientific question:

If dowsing actually works, as claimed by some, why then can I not find a entry
for dowsing services in the Yellow Pages? Don't you think, that if this really
worked, there would be a great demand for these highly specialized persons,
leading to a well-regulated, credentialled and well-paid guild? I mean, that's
what has happened with every other skill that works...

Just sayin'

David R. Vann

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