I'm somewhat surprised that the Met-List doesn't have at least one or two other folks on it that work or have worked in one of the utility businesses dealing with underground utilities or for that matter someone in the landscaping business. If they are on the List, they are sure being kind of quiet. What ever name you want to put on using the rods, divining, dowsing, who cares, they are used quite a bit in both types of businesses. I have even seen municipal workers using them to locate their own stuff underground. Wow, imagine that, sure a lot of good folks out there using bullshit to maintain your underground utilities. Someone aught to clue 'em in, eh? Just be prepared anyone doing the cluing, you might want to back up a bit when you tell them that their efforts to keep from hitting your power, water, sewer or whatever prior to excavation is nothing more than bullshit. IMHO

Mike in CO

On Oct 14, 2010, at 10:38 AM, mlangen wrote:

I would like to pose the following, non-scientific question:

If dowsing actually works, as claimed by some, why then can I not find a entry
for dowsing services in the Yellow Pages? > Just sayin'

David R. Vann

Without weighing in one way or the other on the merits:

You would be astounded by the number of well drillers (who ARE listed in the Yellow Pages) who carry a set of dowsing rods in their trucks.

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