Hello Sonny, Paul, Adam,
When I am not dealing with meteorites, I am a member of the Archaeology 
Institute of America - Denver Chapter. Recently a professor of Archaeology from 
the University of Colorado gave us a presentation on the rock art, 
petroglypghs of the southwest that he had been studying for years, and he 
that he no longer tell anyone the exact locations of the sites he knows, he 
simply had seen too many vandalized with spray paint, or chiseled off, 
destroying whole sites.
Also you might remember a raid conducted in Blanding, south eastern Utah, 
last year that netted some 20 or more arrests and the recovery of room-fulls 
of artifacts of all kinds. Private collections? no, big business.
It should be a surprise to no one that rangers are asking more and more 
questions, and that the laws are being tightened.  
Anne M. Black
_http://www.impactika.com/_ (http://www.impactika.com/) 
_impact...@aol.com_ (mailto:impact...@aol.com) 
Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
_http://www.imca.cc/_ (http://www.imca.cc/) 
In a message dated 11/4/2010 4:14:30 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 
wahlpe...@aol.com writes:
Hi Adam and List,

>We can't tell you anything about locations. In  fact there are many 
more petroglyphs and over a hundred caves that are  not on;your maps 
and we can't tell you anything about."

This is for the protection and preservation of the native rock art and 
artifacts. I have photographed numerous locations only to return and to 
find the petroglyphs missing or destroyed. One area 20' by 20' 
overhang / wall was covered with numerous carvings and removed by 
heavy equipment. At another location we found what looked to be a 
petroglyph of a man on a horse with one arm. This area was explored
by Major John Wesley Powell in 1869, the same fate could possible occur 
at this location if it was public knowledge.


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