Hello Friends and Collectors!

The big annual Tucson meteorite show has come and gone, and while I
did not attend in person, I had a friend or two at the show who
purchased some material on my behalf.   I took advantage of some great
deals to replenish my depleted stocks and to score some brand new
meteorites that I have never offered before.   I will now list the
goodies and then follow with some descriptions of the new stuff.
Links are provided for items in stock now.  More shipments are coming
in over the next few days, so the other items will be added as they

Don't forget to use coupon code "metlist" for 20% off.  :)


Buzzard Coulee (H4, Canada 2008, Hammer Fall)

On the night of November 20, 2008, a brilliant night-time fireball lit
up the rural Canadian sky.  It was a massive bolide that turned night
into day as it passed, illuminating the dark countryside below.  A
series of loud detonations heralded the arrival and fall of Buzzard
Coulee meteorite.  The fireball was captured on numerous surveillance
cameras and sky cameras, and the images were broadcast on over the
internet on Youtube.   The local residents of the area and meteorite
hunters from around the world combed the countryside, looking for
fragments.  One fragment struck a farmer's shed and this witnessed
fall is considered a hammer fall because of this impact.   After
analysis, this meteorite was found to be an H4 chondrite.  It took
almost two years for the Canadian government to start approving export
permits for this meteorites, so it has only recently hit the
marketplace in the last year.    For collectors, this fall covers
several bases - it is a fall, it is a hammer, it is fresh (2008), it
has name recognition (the videos of the fireball were a media
sensation), and it is Canadian.

1.53g crusted slice -

micros - 

Zunhua (H4?, China 2008, Hammer Fall)

On the late afternoon of April 12, 2008, a bright fireball was seen
over a small village, and then a single stone crashed through the roof
of a family home.   The stone penetrated the roof and hit the stone
floor, shattering into pieces and damaging the furnishings of the
house.  Thankfully, nobody was in the room at the time of the impact.
But the terrified homeowner was in an adjacent room and was quite
surprised to see the shattered meteorite on the floor.    The
meteorite fall garnered much attention and appeared on the Chinese TV
news.   Shortly afterwards, Chinese officials removed most of the
meteorite except for a small amount of fragments that were purchased
by an American buyer.    Given the damage done to the home and
violence of the impact, this fall could have killed or seriously
injured anyone in the room.   Chinese scientists confirmed that the
specimen is indeed a chondrite, but they never submitted the paperwork
to give the meteorite an official name with the Meteoritical Society.
So it remains technically "unclassified" and the name "Zunhua" is the
unofficial name that is widely used to refer to this meteorite fall.
No other specimens have ever been found, and today, this meteorite is
very rare on the market.

micros - 

Portales Valley (H6, New Mexico 1998, Witnessed Fall)

In the early evening hours of June 13th, 1998, a bright trail of light
was seen in the sky, followed by a series of explosions.  A shower of
stones fell over a large area of Roosevelt County New Mexico.   One
stone crashed through the roof of a barn at an angled trajectory and
embedded itself into a wall.   Numerous specimens were found by local
residents and meteorite hunters.   The fresh chondrite look like any
other on the outside, but some masses contained brilliant veins of
metal.  Analysis revealed that the meteorite was highly-shocked (S3+)
and this shock caused some specimens to exhibit characteristic shock
veins.  Most specimens look like any other fresh H6 chondrite on the
inside, but the rare specimens with metal shock veins are highly

micros - 

Jilin (H5, China 1976, Witnessed Fall)

On the after of March 8, 1976, a huge daytime fireball streaked
through Chinese airspace and exploded, raining stones down upon the
countryside.  The largest stone (main mass) weighed in at 1770kg!
(almost 4000 pounds, 2 short tons).  The main mass remains one of the
largest single stone meteorites found on Earth.   The Jilin fall (also
called "Kirin") was considered a big event in China and it created a
sensation as Chinese officials and residents went outside in large
numbers to look for meteorites.  The majority of this meteorite now
sits in Chinese museums and universities, but a sizeable quantity did
manage to make it onto the collector's market.  This is a classic
witnessed fall that is considered to be a historical fall by many in

2.39g slice - 

micros - 

Lemmon (H5, South Dakota 1984, "Driveway Stone" Find)

In 1984, an odd-looking stone weighing about 15 pounds was discovered
by a homeowner.   She put the stone on the border of her driveway and
didn't think any more of it.   Almost fifteen years later, a man
canvassing the area looking for meteorites spotted the odd driveway
rock and recognized it as a possible meteorite.  A piece was removed
and analyzed at UCLA, where it was determined to be a weathered H5
chondrite (W3/S1).  This is not a very common meteorite on the market
and is one of only 14 meteorites from South Dakota.

micros - 

Koltsovo (H4, Russia 2004, "Mushroom Hunter Stone" Find)

In the Kaluga district of Russia, two local residents were out
gathering mushrooms at the edge of a cultivated field when they found
a single, large stone meteorite.   The meteorite weighed over 20kg and
no other fragments were found.   The meteorite was analysed and
confirmed to be a relatively fresh and unshocked H4 chondrite (W1/S1).

micros - 

Davy(a) (L4, Texas 1940, Old Farm Find)

Davy(a) is a football-sized (3.77kg) meteorite that was first found in
1940 and is not to be confused with another meteorite found in the
same area, Davy(b).  Davy(a) was found on rural farmland in De Witt
County Texas.  It has been classified as an L4 chondrite that is quite
weathered with a long terrestrial age and it has experienced moderate
shock (S2).    Davy(a) is a classic American meteorite find and is
very representative of many other meteorites found on Texas ranchlands
by farmers or other local residents.  The main mass of this meteorite
sits in the Monnig Collection at TCU.

micros - 


Tamdakt (H5, Morocco 2008, Witnessed Fall)

micros - 

Daule (L5, Ecuador 2008, Witnessed Fall)

micros - 

Dimmitt (H3.7, Texas 1942, Farm Find)

micros - 

Campo Crystals (Campo del Cielo small shiny fragments)


NWA 869 (L4-6, Algeria 2000, individuals and slices)
Moldavite (Czech Republic, Impact Glass)
bulk unclassified stones (uNWA, 100g lots and individuals)
bulk Indochinites (tektite, southeast Asia)

Nuevo Mercurio (H5, Mexico 1978, Hammer Fall)

micros - 

Tatahouine (Diogenite, Tunisia 1931, Witnessed Fall)

micros - 

NWA 6149 (Olivine Diogenite, Morocco 2010)

More stuff coming very soon - bulk unwa lots, indochinites, moldavite,
and more.  :)

Thanks for looking!


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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