Hi Martin,
        My recollection is that there was a jump bid (a bid higher than the
Asked for next increment required to bid) and I did accept it and went
Right to the next increment called for at that level.
        Perhaps there was a bid I missed? Or, perhaps you expected me
To then require the next bid to be an increment equal to the jump bid?
If the latter, I explained some auctions past that while people were
Always welcome to jump bid (usually a technique used to "shock and
Awe" potential competitors) there would not be a following requirement
Of equal degree, but would only be whatever the level increment indicates.
        If the former, and I really did somehow miss a jump bid, I apologize
To all concerned. It is not in the interest of anyone to do so.
        Sincerely, Michael

On 2/25/11 12:11 PM, "Dark Matter" <freequa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Michael,
> Since you brought it up here, 
> "He could have Jump bid $200 and I would have been in hot pursuit."
> I would like to know why the jump bid for the Johnstown individual was not
> accepted by you during the auction?
> Thank you.
> Martin

"Teachin' a pig to dance is a waste of time and it irritates the pig"
Mark Twain
1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it,
2. Whenever you're right, shut up.
Shaquille O'Neal

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