Hi Michael and all,

I’ve been on the list for about 3.5 years now and I remember very well some
of Mike’s lunatic rantings, so those of you who have been on the list longer
than I have should also remember (and I’ve been told that it was even worse
before I was on the list).

But, the only thing that I was “unhappy” about was when you (Michael) talked
about Mike’s medical issues.  I understand that you wanted people to know
WHY Michael is the way he is, but it’s not your decision to talk about that.
Nobody should talk about someone else’s medical situation in a forum like
this.  I work for a medical software company and we see tons of patient
information all the time.  If I were to mention something about a patient, I
would be fined by the government and then fired (and I don’t even work for
the gov’t).  We don’t have to worry about that here on the list, but it just
goes to show that the gov’t is serious about keeping private health
information PRIVATE, so we all should do the same.

I’ve seen you have a few lunatic rantings over the years, too, so you might
want to be careful (as Eric just mentioned in his last post).

I didn’t like it when some people wanted to cast their vote on whether Art
should let Mike back on the list or not.  We shouldn’t pressure Art one way
or another (so I’m not going to “vote” on it) since he is the boss of this
list.  He’ll do what he thinks is best for the list.

BTW, I’m glad Mike and Robert are safe now.  I don’t know either of them
personally, but I’m sure that they are good people and don’t deserve to be
locked up in a foreign country.


From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 8:37 PM
To: Met. Eric Wichman Escondido; Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Welcome Home

Jim, Gary, Eric and all,

        No, it is NOT a joke. There is nothing funny about
This situation at all.

        I stated NOTHING in my post Mike has is not born
Out in Mike's own public statements. (though Jim informs
Me it may have been a different prescription drug he gets
Out of Mexico) - hell folks, where have you been? READ THE

        If you all really cared about Mike's welfare you would
Be trying to support him in getting professional help, get on
prescribed medication and get stabilized.

        You are all having knee jerk reactions. Think about it. If
Mike were your brother wouldn't you want to see him get
proper treatment?

        Mike is home safe - thank God. While he was in danger I
Did everything possible I could to minimize any negative impact
On him. The list started yammering about it and I pointed out we
Needed to remain silent lest we make matters worse for Mike and

        John Blennert gave the talk before the auction and we agreed
It should not be telecast, as John went through a very similar
situation in Oman a couple of years ago and Omani officials offered
him $235,000 to get Mike back on Omani territory (so they could
Incarcerate him). John TOLD Mike this upon his return and Mike
Acted like John was blaming him for John's incarceration.

        This is ALSO NOT NEW INFORMATION - but somehow
This group seems to think since Mike has been through a hard
Time of late we should pretend he doesn't have a problem.

        Mike isn't going to listen to me because I am strait with him
AND NO ONE ELSE seems to be willing to or they somehow just
Don't see the self destructive behavior right in front of their face.

        If you all think everything Mike does does not add up to a
Big problem for HIM, or, you just don't get it, or you just don't
Think it is your "place" to confront him with his self destructive
Behavior -- well, folks, I don't know what to tell you, but I can't
Do that to a friend. (Yes, I am sure Mike does not consider me
A friend right now - but as far as I am concerned, I am the only
One who is really relating to him as a friend).

        Oh, ya, you can tell yourselves what I have said is not friendly.
Well, what I think is not friendly is seeing a brother in trouble and
Being unwilling to deal with him about it.

        I am dumbfounded at people's reactions - do you think that just
Because he could have had his hands cut off or been in prison for
Years or even put to death that that means we should all pretend
He didn't put himself in that position AFTER it was clearly explained
To him by John Blennert that Oman was OUT TO GET HIM?

        - Going to a KINGDOM you HAVE BEEN TOLD is out to get you
        - Self medicating with serious prescription drugs
        - Being a business man who regularly bursts into ranting and
Raving at potential customers and co-businessmen
        These are all serious self destructive behaviors. So, Greg, Jim
And Eric, if you really give a damn about Mike's welfare Don't just
say, "Hooray! You got back safe THIS TIME.", help him get the help
he needs.

        Sincerely, Michael

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