Good Day meteorite and planetary lovers,

Proudly we announce, that our next Martian has arrived, is sliced and
grinded already and waits now for flying into your collection!    

NWA 6710 (provisional)

will be its name and according the newer more systematic nomenclature it is

Intermediate Permafic Olivine-Phyric Shergottite.

Already a first glance reveals, that NWA 6710 doesn’t meet the usual viewing
habits for shergottites and that it must be in several aspects a fairly
uncommon material.

We see a matrix of very fresh appearance, which is so incredibly
fine-grained that macroscopically it almost looks uniformly.
Very sparsely we find a few patches of dark maskelynite, though the clou of
this Martian is:
Over and over it is peppered with fine olivines of an intensive pastel

An amazing stone.

The planetary connoisseur is immediately aware:  there is only one such
Martian – it has to be a pairing of NWA 2990.
This grouplet consist of four members;  NWA 2990, NWA 5960, NWA 6234 and now
NWA 6710.

NWA 2990 is long ago gone.  NWA 5960 had a tragic fate, the main mass was
stolen in mail (a fate, which makes us all angry as it happened by such a
stupidity. Such a stone is absolutely unsalable for any thief and it is the
rarest matter on the globe, almost irreplaceable. Please alert us or the
owner immediately for the case, that such material will be offered to you).
And NWA 6234 seems already to be sold out too.

The characteristics of the entire stones were, that they are covered with a
very green skin.
Only NWA 2990 had one side with a good black fusion crust, while NWA 5960
and NWA 6234 were naked.
Not so our new NWA 6710, it has some dark fusion crust left, but worn and
not so fine preserved as with NWA 2990.
Internally all stones are very fresh.

NWA 6710 prov. has a tkw of 74 grams.

Astonishingly few is published yet about the NWA 2990-group, we think, that
will change now with the recent finds.
So that we can refer you at the moment only to the introductory paper for
NWA 2990 from two years ago, 
where you can find the essential details about this uncommon Mars rock:

T. E. Bunch, A. J. Irving, J. H. Wittke, D.Rumble, III, R. L. Korotev, M.
Gellissen and H. Palme:

In medias res,
here you find our complete stock of available slices
- from the complete cross sections

down to smallest partial slices, small but more than meaningful enough to
serve for more than a sole place holder of the number.

And the best is, although it is a fresh and fairly uncommon shergottite, it
costs only half as much as our recent three Martians went for.

You'll love it!

Best regards,

Stefan & Martin

Martin Altmann & Stefan Ralew
Chladni's Heirs
Munich - Berlin
Fine Meteorites for Science & Collectors

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