I am told that I need to add a few details to my defense of selling this 
possible second (odd) looking lithology of Mifflin.
I must admit that I am a bit shocked how quick some people are to be judge , 
jury and executioner all in one swift swoop.
Way back when this first started selling I received a phone call out of the 
blue from John Helm. he informed me that he had purchased a slice of mifflin 
from Greg C.and Greg gave him my number.  
I was a bit surprised because the reason I had partnered with Greg is because 
he being a big dealer he would be able to get top dollar for our material. 
Whereas on eBay I get  chump change for the meteorites I sell. You see Greg has 
a web site to sell from and  I don't. This was to be a win win situation.
Back to the call; John informed me that he was suspicious of his recent 
acquisition from Greg. I told John that this was the first I'd heard of this 
and I had never seen any of the material once cut by Greg. I told John i would 
get right back with him. 
So, I called Greg and he had already looked into this between the time John 
called him and me. Greg assured me that Dave Gheesling was already aware of 
this second lithology and it was definitely being found at Mifflin strewnfield.
needless to say I was very happy this was so quickly resolved.
I immediately called John back and explained to him that this is not only good 
mifflin material but, may end up actually being worth more than the other 
lithology because it appears to be more rare,
John invited me to hunt with him if I ever get up to Wisconsin and we hung up 
It was not until a few weeks ago that Jason hit me with this bomb. 
I explained to Jason all of this and he chose not to agree with the situation. 
As I said before. Jason is entitled to his opinion but I think he overstepped 
his boundaries before this ends up getting resolved. 
Obviously more testing is going to have to be done and Dirk Ross has offered to 
have the testing done. I just need to get a piece of this second lithology and 
send it to him in Japan.
So, in the mean time people please relax and as was the case with NWA 5400 
pairings. Be patient. That one took some special care as well but turned out to 
be just fine. I certainly hope this turns out to be from the same fall but we 
need the science to be sure. One thing is certain. There has been no scam 
commited here and worse case is that everyone will get their money back. 
Thank you.
Carl or Debbie Esparza
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