Hi all,
        I just received the post below - I assume many
Of you did. Is this guy a nut job or what?
For those still in doubt as to the existence of Lunar meteorites in North
America, please examine our Western Colorado version of the famous "NWA
5000."  I realize, too, that many scientists refuse to acknowledge
photography as a viable component for authentication & verification, which
leads to these questions.  What is a thin section?  What is a petrographic
analysis? How are genuine meteorites authenticated on the internet & Ebay?
 If the images in the following link are fakes, who is responsible?  What
universities were involved in authenticating & classifying NWA 5000?  What
universities were involved in authenticating & classifying ALH 84001?  What
Apollo sample was used to authenticate NWA 5000 & ALH 84001?


        Anyone familiar with this guy?

Life is too short for drama & petty things,
Laugh insanely, Love truly and Forgive quickly.
"People will forget what you said,
people will forget  what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel."
        Maya Angelou

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